For all you do. This post’s for you.

So my Sister thinks I owe her a blog post. *sigh* OK…she’s right. I do owe a blog post.

It’s been 2 weeks since my last post. Forgive me internet for I have sinned. I’ve ignored you. I’ve had hateful thoughts about you. I read other blogs and not left comments. I’ve been cheating on you with my iPhone. Please forgive me. I beg you. I’ll do 3 memes and a IQ survey as penance. Amen.

In the fashion of Amalah, I would like to do some updating for y’all, although I’m thinking I’m a lot wordier than she it. Not by much.
I quit my job. I haven’t mentioned it here, because most of my readers know about my Dad’s cancer already. 2 weeks ago he was diagnosed with stage IV squamous cell carcinoma lung cancer. We are all praying for a miracle that he’ll make a full recovery. In the mean time, Jon and I both agreed that now was the right time to open my schedule and be fully available for him whenever he needs me I need him. The time we can spend together is more precious to me than all the money in the world and nothing can replace our relationship, so the decision was easy. My last day is the 20th.

Michael Jon and Dan had their open house last Thursday. That happened to be on the same night as Brenna’s Schoolhouse Live concert and Jon’s movie night.  Needless to say, we spent a lot of time planning and re-hashing who would take who where and who was staying home and who would save seats and who would charge the camera and who would tell us sumpin’ a million frillion times like, “Is it time to go yet?!”.

Michael Jon Cowboy Mike did a great job showing us all his artwork. They can be seen on Facebook for those on there and for those who aren’t, sorry. We’ll work on that soon. I promise! Brenna was the star of the show (well in our eyes at least! they all did a great job portraying the schoolhouse rock characters we all know and love- it makes me want to go out and get the DVD’s again and watch every last one, especially during homework challenges!) and although she was nervous, she remembered every line and every note! She did a fabulous job! Way to go Bree!
Dan showed us his desk and his workbooks. We unfortunately had to take a very VERY short tour of the school. So short it took us 25 min total to walk across the park, around the school, back around to the very back of the school where the Kindergarten section was (MJ’s class HAS to be the very last one, huh?) and look around, take pictures, talk to his teacher, gather all his art and papers, walk back to Dan’s class, look at his stuff, talk to his teacher, be reminded Dan needs his glasses because he really can’t see, one last check at the lost and found, and then walk back across the park to the car. I’m tired just typing that! Did I mention we did all that walking in the 38 degree rainy weather? Um..yeah. Brrr. Got my excersise in for the day, that’s for sure! We made it to Brenna’s school on time and found great seats before the concert. From then on, it went really smooth. Until….

We were walking out of the parking lot and I tripped over a parking curb. Did you know they were called parking curbs? I didn’t. Now I DO! It’s not the first time I fallen because I’ve not paid attention to them, by the way. I was holding MJ’s hand so he got pulled down with me. Poor baby.
I tried to catch myself, but I’m sort of top heavy and have big feet, which in this case is a deadly combination. I kept falling forward and the only way to stop it was to just give in and land. Hard. On the ground. With a skid and a thud. You would think with the round belly I have it would cushion the fall like a beach ball bouncing effect, but no. My hands went out to brace the fall but before they got there, my left knee decided to get involved and be the hero. The right knee in a vain attempt to save the day went down too.
So there I lay, on the ground, in the parking lot, in the rain, face down, and stunned.

(Good dramatic image huh?)

My first thought was, “Oh no. Oh no.” My first words were, “Shit. Not again!” (whispered of course) Then my second words were, “Why do I always do this!?!” Jon and the kids were asking me if I was OK and I just sat there, trying to figure out if I could actually get up or not. If this was really time time I broke my knee or injured myself beyond what my body could take. Nope. I was OK. Whew!
I got up, hobbled back to the car, turned on the headlights and surveyed the damage in the rainy light. Bloody left knee; check. Bloody right knee; check. Scraped left and right palms; check. Ego damaged; check.
Pain and swelling; check. Kiss goodbye from Jon as he heads to the movies: check. The only thing left to do was get some dinner. We went to Burber King. I almost drove away without my credit card. Good times.

The kids have spring break next week. Lord help us all.

I spent all of Friday, literally all of Friday in bed watching movies and nursing my knee injuries. My whole body is sore and screaming at me with every move. I guess when you are falling, you tense every muscle in your body preparing for the impact. If it wasn’t so painful, I would fall all the time to work them out.

I’m putting off making my grocery list and menu because it’s cold outside and I want to stay in bed again today and watch movies and play on my computer. Is that so wrong? Ok…well it does seem a little depressive, but the lights are on and I’m not ignoring anyone’s needs. I made sure that Jon went and got lunch and delivered it to me in bed. See? Perfectly NOT depressive. Besides, I started on that new medicine and it is supposed to be helping. Except for the blank feeling, the sweating, and dizziness I’m good! Or at least I will be in another couple of weeks or so. Maybe.

I’m planning on going to see my Dad the week after next. If I can get my shit together long enough to make the reservations and buy a ticket, or decide if I am going to drive up there by myself. My Aunts and Sister will be there to visit as well, so it should be a good time visiting and catching up. I think I’ll drive. It would be cheaper and I’ll have more room for my stuff, like pillows and laptops and stuff. Yeah….driving. Just me and my tunes. Tunes….I need more muzak.

<racking brain for more updates I might have forgotten>

Um….that’s all I can think of for now. Until next week. or the week after. adieu.

1 comment

  1. OMGoodness…what the heck and poor baby! Your powers must have gotten wet…that’s the only reason you fell, but your Wonder Woman status is still in tact!!!! Love ya girl!

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