Not sure my life is so interesting…

I mean really. Who wants to hear about my back hurting? This subject gets old after a while. Seriously. Old.

Work is well…work. It’s been quite busy and somewhat stressful, but bearable.

With all the busyness at work, I sure have missed the daily going-on’s at home. I scheduled a Scentsy wick-less candle party which gave me an opportunity to really get the house in order. Oh sure, it’s not perfect. Those who know me best know what a miracle it is that I actually dusted. If I wasn’t so darn busy the week before my parents and sister came to visit, I would have dusted for them!! 😉 The party was a success. I had 7 girlfriends come and visit for a while and smell some good and not so good candle smells. I mean really? Eucalyptus? I think that should be left for the great outdoors!

Moving on…

Let’s see…what’s next on my agenda?? I would really LOVE to paint the kitchen and move some more stuff around the house. Ya, know…tweak it a little. Make it even cuter than it already is! I need to pull out the sewing machine and make some pillows for the couch and add some cute fabric to the kitchen curtains. I see some furniture painting in my future too. I think my dresser needs a new coat of black paint to jazz it up. Jazz it up? Who still uses that word? Hah, I guess I do!

This week I’m looking forward to a couple of things. American Idol night with my gals, LOST, and grocery shopping. Grocery shopping?? Yeah, cuz then I can actually do something other than work and sleep!! Plus, I need new yoga pants, Dan needs new glasses, and Jon needs new jeans. Shopping and me don’t get along very well anymore because I apparently become laid up after a few hours of standing or walking, but if some things just have to be done, I guess I’ll do it. <insert sarcasalism here>

Sorry Mom it’s take me so long to post something. I know you still come here everyday looking for some nugget of fun from your daughter! I will try harder to post more often. Not sure if you saw the flowers I bought for the party on Facebook, so here’s another look.

So pretty! These flowers make me happy. I think everyone should buy themselves flowers or whatever it is that makes them happy. It’s the little things in life people.

Have a great week!

1 comment

  1. OMGoodness! You actually posted here too? Love your Facebook post’s but you’re right I come here first and go there last! The flower’s are YOU and yes you should buy pretties like that, make you smile and feel good for sure. Dusting is over rated, and shopping is the bomb!!! Can always rest after and enjoy all the stuff you bought. Had a wonderful time visiting and you know what I say…visit you not your house! Love you Sweetie….

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