Today is a new day…

I feel better today than I did yesterday, so that’s something to be happy about. My wise husband made me take some Advil and after a yummy dinner of egg sandwiches and biscuits and gravy, I felt a whole lot better. I guess I should listen to my husband more often. Shhh..don’t tell him that though!

Tonight is Ladies Night Out. We aren’t meeting for dinner at a restaurant like we normally do. Instead we are going to meet at a local church for a “Cents-sible Celebrations” and dinner. This speaker will show us ways to get ready for the holidays without spending too much money or time. The tag line was “Get us thinking INSIDE the box for the Holidays”.  I’m looking forward to seeing what ideas she throws out because I tend to do the opposite during the holidays by thinking outside the box as far as menu’s and decorations, all at the expense of my sanity and bank account. I have a lot of neat stuff tucked away, I hope they come up with creative ways to use what we might already have in our homes for the upcoming holidays.
Speaking of holidays. I vow to put up my Fall decorations this year and not let another year go by with those pretty decorations sitting in my closet collecting dust. It’s my promise to myself to pull out the things that make me smile and bring out those warm touches that usher in Fall and make me feel cozy inside.
Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler…70 degrees! Can you believe it?? Here in Texas, we get so excited when the temperature falls below 75! That means Fall is here and soon after Winter!! And no more mosquitoes and sweaters and hot chocolate (like this one! OMG I’m in love!!) and fuzzy warm socks!! Can you tell I love Fall?? In fact, I think I’ll go put my Fall door bucket up right now!!

I might even post a picture or two after I’m done! Stay tuned…


Here are some pictures of what I did on the front porch. I didn’t take a full shot because I have to find a place for all the crap the kids leave at the step, so I didn’t want to show you that part. Isn’t it pretty??

Happy Fall Y’all!!


  1. Your porch looks beautiful! That hot chocolate does sound yummy but I calculated the points for a short with non-fat milk and no whipped cream…6 points! I think it would have to be a very special occasion and not this week because I accidentally ate 34 points at lunch at Dairy Queen in St. Genevieve, MO on Sunday. Oops. My bad. It really wasn’t worth it. The hot chocolate on the other hand, could be. Have you tried the peppermint hot chocolate?

  2. Yes! I love all their hot chocolates, which is probably why I have gained a few pounds! My friend Felicia and I sneak over there almost every week for our fix. I can’t blame the water weight gain all the time!! Only once a month! LOL

    I really love the porch too..and I am making plans right now to get the front door and such painted and re-tile the entry way inside. If I pinch those pennies, we can doooooo it!!

  3. I too am going to do something with my fall stuff-in fact it is now all piled up on the kitchen table instead of lanquishing in boxes. Now to try and create out of this chaos, something as pretty as yours. Debbie

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