Pantry Raid

We went to Sam’s Club again. I question my sanity when I have to put all the groceries away. Will we really eat all those bagels? Will we go through 5 gallons of mayonnaise? No, I really didn’t buy the 5 gallons of mayonnaise, but I thought about it. So, far we have used everything we bought last month, so we needed to replenish, but we are running out of places to hide our goods. It seems like a lot of money to spend at first, but it has worked out to be more cost efficient then us going to Wal-Mart every week and spending 100 bucks or more and the snacks disappear at the end of the week.

So? How’s it going? Pretty good? Awesome.

Well…I better get going. I have 4 tons of laundry to do, vacuuming, and putting away all the food we are going to eat. Then I have to figure out something for dinner and how come it always feels like you are supposed to be going someplace when you don’t have anything planned?
Somewhere amongst the business that is my life, my Dad is having surgery and I am distracted with thoughts of anticipation, hoping it goes well and they don’t find anything unusual. I am being a good girl and not calling my Sister 5 times and asking for an update. I will let her call me. It’s so hard to do that, but I am trying.  Love you Daddy! It will be ok. I just know it.


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