It’s all about the shoes people.

I went shopping for a warm sweater since its getting cold here. I found lots of cute things at Ross. Did they fit right and look fabulous on me? No they did not. While I wandered around aimlessly trying to convince myself not to jump off a bridge because I have a big butt, I spied these.

This lovely little number. Sitting there all by it’s lonesome. For 14.99. That retail for 69.00. I am the Queen of Bargains too! Who knew a little ‘ol pair of shoes could take someone from the brink to such joy?

They are without a doubt my favorite shoes so far. I can’t wait to wear them tomorrow with jeans and a black sweater. I’m back baby!!

Ok, like OMG. I just looked these shoes up on and well..they aren’t just flats. The buckle swings up to be Mary Janes!! Do you know how cool that is? It two, two, two shoes in one! Woot!! I am so happy. I think I am going to cry.


  1. Okay, these have got to be the cutest things EVER! I need to go to Ross. I also need to start shopping at TJMaxx because I’ve heard the bargains there are fabulous too. I finally took my polka dotted flats back to Sam Moom (I kept having 5th grade flash backs and it was too much).

  2. They hurt my feet somewhat, but I think that is because I have wide feet. If you don’t have really wide feet, they will be great! Good thing about them is they are leather on the insoles and lining, so I think I can have them stretched! Yay me!

  3. Okay all i want to know is where have you been……I am still glad that you are back…!!!!!!! Yes, and the shoes are way cool

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