Well 4 can play at that game!

Bring it on I do say, so you think you are smart?
Rhyming in prose, I’m a million times more skilled than thou art!
I can see I am up for much competition. Good thing I have mad skillz, much
too bitchin’. Watch and learn and you will see, SweetBippy snap them like 1, 2, 3.
I have no idea of what I just meant, but it rhymed so who cares, I’m like Barbie to your Kent. (huh?)

A new Hero’s discovered as he pondered his box,
those Irish lads trusting the “brother”
sly as a fox.
A new tattoo for the man who saved the day
a kiss, flying toes, and superboy ways-
who could ask for more in a show, every Monday?
Syler’s no power means someones in charge
Mohinder is scared, Noah fearing the killer at large.
What will become of Claire’s new love?
I wonder what it’s like to get kissed high above?!
Nikki and Micah soon to part ways, while Dad is
6ft under, a flower on his grave.
Who is this mystery killer abound?
Keeping them frightened, watching for sounds?
No one will know until it’s revealed next episode
Keep watching….and waiting….I think I’ll EXPLODE!!

Well that is all I have watched because I am tired
I worked all day long, so I could retire. To bed, to the bed
to get much sleep, I’m much too tired to even count sheep!
I hope I have tried with all of my brawn, to keep up with Matt, Debbi, and Jon.
Here I will sign, over and out. Try to keep up- of that I’ve no doubt!
Adios, Auf Weidersehen, Goodbye and Sayonara. If you are lucky, You’ll see me tomorrah! <grin>  

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