Warning: crafting can be harmful to your health

Yes folks, I have sustained a crafting injury. Something all crafters dread, abhor, and hate. It keeps us from doing the one thing we love the most. CRAFTING! It’s what I live for, what makes me happy and centered and keeps me going when I need it the most. Rubber stamping is a new addiction and the different kinds of paper crafts I can create is hundred fold.

Yesterday I posted about what I did yesterday, and I woke up today with pain in my right hand and a pain in my elbow. Reminds me of the old joke, “Doc, it hurts when I move my arm like this _____” and the Doc says, “Don’t do that!” Yep, that is pretty much what I feel like, I won’t move my hand or arm like this _____. Feels like the day after you fall down and hurt something, all sore and well…sore like.

So much to report, so little time…

I have had a busy weekend and it’s only half way over! I spent Thursday night sewing at Nat’s, Friday night making cards with Nat at ReCollections and from 10:30am to 5pm at ReCollections making these gorgeous white trees.(scroll down to the Winter Wonderland) It was a lot of work, and we used Diamond Dust that was real glass glitter and it hurts, let me tell you!
Then, at 5pm, I left to go to Blogospeer.com’s house for dinner. Wow..am I tired…great dinner, good company, but boy I’m beat!
I don’t want to miss my 30 posts in 30 days, so this is short but sweet…I’m off to bed before I turn into a pumpkin!

National Selfish Day

Not to be confused with National Shellfish day, as said by someone with a retainer (that would be me this morning before I took them out)

This is the day I declare to be National Selfish Day or NSD. Why shouldn’t we have a day where we only think about ourselves?  Get up whenever we want to? Not do housework? Watch what we want on TV? Hang out until the wee hours doing crafts and sewing, and having fun??
oh..I did that yesterday…..sigh.
Okay, what about National Shoe Shopping Day??

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeve: “noun : a frequent subject of complaint”. Um, duh. I have lots of those I guess.

Here are some I came across today:

  1. dried egg yolk on a plate in the sink
  2. the kids not flushing their toilet  eww….
  3. the spoons and forks all jumbled up in the utensil drawer
  4. not having a place to put all my junk
  5. shoes all over the floor

That’s all I got. I have to get the place ship shape so I can finish my Chirstmas crafts and silent auction items. All in a days work!

Meme-a-lam-a-ding-dong “The Nine”

h/t Jon

Okay, so here is what you do. Make a list of 9 people, preferably those you know. Then, look at the questions. Answer the questions based on who you put down for each number.

1. Jon (My husband)
2.Debbi (bf #1.2)
3.Natalie (bf #2)
4.Leslie (bestest sister)
5.Mike (My Daddy)
6.Carla (Miss Carca)
7.Michelle (bf #1)
8.Matt (hubby of Debbi)
9.Lorraine (My Mommy)

Continue reading “Meme-a-lam-a-ding-dong “The Nine””

Happy NaBloPoMo!

Today is the official first day of the National Blog Posting Month. You know, the month in which I post cheesy little posts about fluff and stuff? Yeah…I might even come up with some well thought out non-rambling type posts! Stay tuned….

So my sister thinks I looked pretty good in my pink and black wig on Halloween. She said I am the only person she knows who actually looks good with pink and black hair. Dare I say I agree with her? It was the one day strangely enough that I DID feel pretty.I thnk it was because I put on make-up and didn’t just slap on a baseball cap. I don’t know what it is about wigs, even cheap wigs from Target. They make you feel like someone else for just a little while and some days that is a good thing! Here is another picture of my whole 80’s rock chic outfit.

fallfest06-002.jpg It was really fun to dress up and go to our church’s Annual FallFest and paint the kids hands and faces. I use paint pens and make cute butterflies and heart with star for the girls and footballs and basketballs for the boys. Only problem is, my head is down like for 2 hours straight and I don’t get to see my kids walking around and playing all the games. Jon gets to do that. His feet felt like they were going to fall off at the end of the night. Poor guy. He went as Hugo “Hurley” Reyes from LOST. Either people got it or they didn’t. It was funny. He even made Dharma food with the white logo lables and everything. I’ll ask him to post a pic of himself later. The concept of Hurley was there, but the wig we found last minute was more Capt. Hook/Slash from GunsNRoses than Hurley. But that’s ok, he looked great!

Today is MJ’s first day back to preschool offcially. Well, at least for the month of Nov. I paid for 1 day a week because that is all we could afford right now. It gets me out of the house and gives me a reason to avoid laundry for at least one day. Heck, I avoid it without having to pay for MJ to go to school! I’m getting together with my friend and we are going to go look at model homes so I can dream about what I want my house to look like someday. *sigh* Someday…..

Tootles! Have a great day!

Once Upon a Time….

There lived a busy woman who had lice to kill, rashes to heal, and Christmas trees to decorate. She had a banner to paint, a house to clean, and music to learn. She also had a cell phone to fix, phone calls to make, and school conferences to attend. Obviously she can’t do them all at once, or be in all those places at the same time, so she called in for help. Until further notice, or Nov. 1st where she will post everyday for a month she can be found in the corner sucking her thumb and rocking back and forth.

The End.

Blog I must

seal_yoda.jpg Blog block. I have it sometimes. Not because I don’t have anything to write about. It’s mostly because I don’t want to bore my 3 readers to death. Whining, crying, and complaining, OH MY. I asked for this book by Margaret Mason for Chirstmas and it came early! I have thumbed through it and found some interesting ideas. Some were already floating around in my head this morning, but again, I’m professionally untrained at this, so it’s hard for me to form a good structure around my stories and make them make sense to the reader. I also want to be able to post something quick and fun without spending a hour editing and linking and then ultimately losing my post. All that to say, I signed up to do the NaBloPoMo over at Fussy.org. I am challenging myself to post everyday for the month of November. There’s going to be a random drawing for some prizes, but I am not so much interested in the prizes as I am honing my writing skills and coming up with cool things to post about.

Rain Rain….

Today is the perfect day to snuggle in your favorite jammies, watch a sappy movie on TV, or take a nap. Jammies: check. Snuggled: check. Watching sappy movie on TV: umm…no. Instead? SpongeBob. Feeling sleepy: check.
I think a nap is in order. See ya.

I tried to take a nap. Then the phone rang, I played phone tag with several people and my daughter called to tell me that she forgot her lunch money and now didn’t have anything to eat. Oy. I had to get dressed, and go down there. Oh and also had to tell the Nurse that we found a live louse on our daughters head. Got it from her best friend who got it from another friend. That is one thing you and your best friend do NOT want to share. (shiver)
Now I am watching Jay Jay the Jet Plane. I do believe I am in hell.