Meme-a-lam-a-ding-dong “The Nine”

h/t Jon

Okay, so here is what you do. Make a list of 9 people, preferably those you know. Then, look at the questions. Answer the questions based on who you put down for each number.

1. Jon (My husband)
2.Debbi (bf #1.2)
3.Natalie (bf #2)
4.Leslie (bestest sister)
5.Mike (My Daddy)
6.Carla (Miss Carca)
7.Michelle (bf #1)
8.Matt (hubby of Debbi)
9.Lorraine (My Mommy)

How did u meet number 3:
Well, I first met her at a Superbowl party in Jan of this year. Then we worked together during Vacation Bible School at our Church, and then she came over to my house for a catalog party and we have been best buds ever since!

What would you do if you had never met 1?
I would probably be married to someone else and be miserable having spent all his money and put us into financial ruin. Oh wait….I’m not intirely miserable… but the yeah. But I have really cute stuff!
(psst.. and I love my husband with all my heart and soul)

What would you do if 6 and 2 were going out?
Depends on if they were having lunch going out, or dating. The later, I would cry and tell thier husbands.

Have you ever seen 4 cry?
Yes. Especially after she sees Tim McGraw

How do you know 8?
He is the husband of #2 and a good friend.

What do you think about 7?
I love her. She was the first friend I made when we first moved to Texas and she saved me from insanity while living in Ingleside.

What would you do if 5 confessed they loved you?
He’s my Dad, I hope he confesses that he loves me!

Fact about number 9?
She loves lots of margarine on her bread and I’m talkin’ THICK!

Who is 4 going out with?
Tim McGraw in her dreams.

What’s 2 do for a livin?
All around Great Mom and Children’s Ministry Director at our church, oh and she teaches piano.
Would you ever live with 8?
Um…no I don’t think so. I think his wife would frown on that.

Where does 7 live?
Ingleside, TX

what do you think about #3?
Yeah, when she calls me early in the morning and I want to reach thru the phone and choke her.

What do you love about number 1?
His eyes, his kind and gentle spirit, and that is SOO smart that it scares me and turns me on all at the same time!

Is 2 Your best friend?

Do you miss number 3?
Nope, just saw her a couple of hours ago when we drove around town for 3 hours!

2 Replies to “Meme-a-lam-a-ding-dong “The Nine””

  1. Very cool…but one question…#5 person on my list didn’t get a question. Is that intentional or just the way it was written? Let me know.

  2. I made the website….yeah for me..I love reading and keeping up with you and the family…..ya’ll are one of my favorites…take care love ya….

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