Don’t Koala’s have long nails?

I am a pinching koala and tree!
Find your own pose!

I’m not sure if the “man” in the picture is wearing a lace edged pair of boxers or a skirt but I think they were going for “gender neutral”,  in any case… HUH???? I don’t think I have ever slept like that…ever! Way too hot to have a body all pinched on my legs and sleep that way on my back all night long but ok, that is what your test said, I’ll go with it.
I think my ideal sleeping pose is what I requested when I was pregnant with MJ: King size bed, no less than an arms length away from Jon, no breathing on me, faced away from me, body pillow in between, fan on full blast, and no one gets hurt!
What’s yours?

Hi Ho Hi Ho….I want to stay home you know….

I am due at work at 10am and between my sinuses and my plugged ear I really would rather stay home and read Harry P. I’m on the 16th chapter and it’s getting good. I am almost half way done.
Jon isn’t feeling too well either, so he is working from home while I go and earn a paycheck. Ok, so it’s a small one, but it still counts!
I need to update the rest of our trip to KC, KS & MO but I need to go and get my gallon jug of diet coke and some lunch.

Remind me again why I like mornings?

KCI Airport, brought to you by Dorothy and her little dog too…

We arrived safe and sound on Friday night. The plane ride was good, I didn’t get sick which is ALWAYS good and Jon and I sat right next to each other, thanks to Matt and Debbi who sat next to a mohawk shaven gal who slept the whole way there. We found out later she flew in from Washington state and Kansas City was her midpoint stop on her way to Atlanta to see her brother. Never judge a book by it’s cover because she was very polite and nice and wished us all a safe trip home.
Airplane air lends itself to being stale and dry, so it seemed our whole party ended up with dry sore throats or sinus issues. Thank you recirrculated air! At the KCI Airport, we met up with Jacqueline and Diane and we were on our way to the car rental. We caught a bus to Thrifty Car Rental and during check out Debbi met another lovely woman who was speaking God’s word to us through her. I wont go into detail, but lets just say, we were a handful on purpose. Hopefully Debbi will update that on her blog and you can check back there for the whole weird story.
We made it quickly to  our hotel and on the way we saw this: Archivers, the largest scrapbook store I know of. We don’t have one in Texas, but my sister in St. Louis said its really cool and I should go as soon as I could. We would plan to go and later not make it, but someday….my dream will come true.
We are getting ready to board our plan, so  I will continue this when I get home and finish sleeping off the dramamine. Safe travels!

Peace out….

Where are the comments people?

Everyone says they read my blog, but I wouldn’t know that unless you actually comment on what you read! Try to be better about that next time, m’kay? Thanks! *smooch*

*NOTE* – I believe Angerino had the user level set too high.  You still need to register and login to comment.  But if you’ve had trouble in the past try again now. 

Sincerely, Head GEEK.

I can bring home the bacon….

It’s official! I got the job I interviewed for! Woot! I start tomorrow and then 2 days a week until school starts and then Tuesday thru Friday after that! I am so happy and excited and ..and….YAY!! *jumps up and down*

101_9720 Tonight we went to a Rangers game with some friends from our church. Tickets were free and we only spent 40 bucks on parking and drinks. It was dollar hot dog night, so we had a snack. Yum. I brought contraband in my purse (mike n ike’s, sweet tarts, bottle caps, and gobstoppers) and we ate on the way there. I was kind of in a foul mood because I was feeling yucky from my meds and not looking forward to the hour long drive there. Once we got there, Brenna complained as did Dan and Mikey that they couldn’t see over the railing from the second row seat and continued to do so throughout the game. At one point I promised myself not to come with them again. Things got better once the game got going and the homeruns brought about fireworks. A few times Brenna went all bershon on us and was dying of embarrassment. Give me a break, like I’m going to go to a ball game and not yell or dance around when they tell us to? I think she is going to be the moody teenager and heaven help her because I invented and perfected it and I know all the tricks!


Banfield the Pet Hospital will rape you…watch out!

If you  have a pet, buyer beware! I am shaking mad at Banfield the PetHospital right now. They are raping me blind and expecting me to accept their version of customer service.

How is it that when you have a pet and they aren’t covered by any other insurance, you have to sign a contract to receive discounts? Unless you are a lawyer and can decipher the legalese, you really have no choice but to sign the damn thing or have your wallet raped in the process. Either way you get screwed.   

I am so mad right now I am literally shaking….damn contracts!

Good thing I have insurance!

Brenna decided to go and get her self some Pneumonia and have herself a germ party. Took her back to the doctor today because her fever wasn’t going down even with the plying of Tylenol. While we were there, they did a strep culture just in case and that turned our negative. Her lungs sounded funky, so we were off for a chest x-ray. She was all freaked out about it because one mention of the word “pneumonia” and she was sure she was going to die! Tears and the whole nine. I admit the passing on the the drama queen trait, but I won’t take responsibility for when and where she uses it.

After we got checked in as an outpatient at the hospital imaging lab, we waited. Not very long I might add, as we were the only ones in there! She followed directions like a champ and at the end of the two views taken, we got to look at her lungs. Cool! I couldn’t tell if there was anything wrong, but again I’m not a doctor, I just look stuff up on the web so I think I know what I am talking about…I think.

We walked out of there at 5:03 and I was at home sitting on the couch reading mail when I got a phone call at 5:21. It was Dr. Droge (dro-gee) calling to tell me she has upper left lobe pneumonia and she would call in a prescription for a z pack. Halli-looya we know what’s been causing the fevers! I was hoping it was this instead of something else because otherwise I would have to deal with DQ herself and have her blood drawn. Oh the horrors. For me!

She needs to get better and quick, I have an interview to go on, packing, and traveling to do. Sheesh…

Fever, colons, mosquito bites, oh my!

This has been one heck of a week in the Stueve household. Poor Mom with her infected, red mosquito bites. They got so bad we had to take her to PrimaCare and see the doctor. This is how bad they got! Mom's Legs She had to get anti-biotics and anti-inflamitories. I seriously feel so bad for her and how much they hurt. I’m sure when she gets back to CA, the cool moist air will heal them right quick!

I had another diverticulitis attack and Brenna caught a virus that gives her fever. I am not sure if anyone else is going to get it..I hope no one does. That would suckith even more.

Mom leaves tomorrow around 12:30 and I will be sad to see her go, but I know she is eager to get back to cooler temps and her cat and not so eager to go back to work. Michael Jon has enjoyed having Gramma around and asks her when she is coming to bed at night. I guess he also asked when she was going home so he could sleep in his own bed too! Ha..he’s funny.

I’m on anti-biotics again! My blood work from the doctors yesterday came back showing infection, but no elevated white blood cell counts, so no appendicitis, but more than likely diverticulitis. One more attack and I will need to have the bad part of my colon removed. My doctor doesn’t want me to have to resort to that, but I don’t want to live the rest of my life with waiting for the other shoe to drop, or in this case, the colon to pop. Ewww..sorry about that, sounded better in my head.

We want to go see Harry Potter tonight, but don’t know if we should since Brenna isn’t totally well yet. We don’t want to take her if she still has fever, but don’t want to leave her home by herself either. On the third hand, we don’t want to expose a babysitter to her germs either. Oy. I hate dilemmas, they suck.

Mom and I are off to lay down for a bit. Hopefully she won’t get more bites while she rests. Hasta!


No more Sanjaya….I thought it was funny.. partypooper. I dont feel good so this is all you get.

Too Cute in my open toes….

I have been listening to Katherine McPhee’s  new album for a while now. I like the song about open toe shoes…, the queen of shoes! I was googling around the net and came across this picture. sanjayacoverWhat is so funny about it is it’s Sanjaya from this last season of American Idol…he was a freak and I couldn’t stand listening or looking at him. I think he looks better as a girl than he did as a boy! Man that’s scary and funny, but mostly scary!