Good thing I have insurance!

Brenna decided to go and get her self some Pneumonia and have herself a germ party. Took her back to the doctor today because her fever wasn’t going down even with the plying of Tylenol. While we were there, they did a strep culture just in case and that turned our negative. Her lungs sounded funky, so we were off for a chest x-ray. She was all freaked out about it because one mention of the word “pneumonia” and she was sure she was going to die! Tears and the whole nine. I admit the passing on the the drama queen trait, but I won’t take responsibility for when and where she uses it.

After we got checked in as an outpatient at the hospital imaging lab, we waited. Not very long I might add, as we were the only ones in there! She followed directions like a champ and at the end of the two views taken, we got to look at her lungs. Cool! I couldn’t tell if there was anything wrong, but again I’m not a doctor, I just look stuff up on the web so I think I know what I am talking about…I think.

We walked out of there at 5:03 and I was at home sitting on the couch reading mail when I got a phone call at 5:21. It was Dr. Droge (dro-gee) calling to tell me she has upper left lobe pneumonia and she would call in a prescription for a z pack. Halli-looya we know what’s been causing the fevers! I was hoping it was this instead of something else because otherwise I would have to deal with DQ herself and have her blood drawn. Oh the horrors. For me!

She needs to get better and quick, I have an interview to go on, packing, and traveling to do. Sheesh…

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