This is why I don’t care…

Well, that’s not entirely true. I do care. I care waaay too much, which is why I tend to go into auto pilot when I am worried about things. Several friends are going through tough times right now and I seem to be carrying their burdens for them. Not because they have asked me to, but because I care so much for them. I care so much and feel helpless for their situations that I go into myself and retreat when I can’t cope.
My Mom worries when I do this and I remembered why I don’t take a stand on most issues. It is mostly because, if I let all those things into the depths of my mind and heart, I would be crippled with emotion and paralyzed to live my everyday life. I came to the self realization that I do that with God too. I retreat into myself and hide when I can’t make sense of it all or the emotion is too much to bear. I become desensitized. Doesn’t everyone do that a some point? If we didn’t to some extent, we wouldn’t be able to cope. At least I don’t think we as a people could.
I remember back to a time my Mom and I were riding in the car together. We were listening to the radio and the DJ talked about some tragic news story where a child was kidnapped or a senseless crime was committed. I asked my Mom why those people were so evil? Why did the world do these horrible things to one another? What made people do bad things? I sat there and it broke my heart and I cried.
I cried for the people who were suffering, I cried for the starving children, I cried for the poor, I cried for the plight of the human race. I was 11. I identified with those that suffered. I too had suffered in my young life and I could empathize with the despair that they felt and the hopelessness for change.
I didn’t know then what I know now. I know now that my hope was waiting for me. God was waiting for me to be at a place where I stopped asking other people why we were the way we are and instead looked to Him for answers. His answer was we are sinners. We are flawed humans who disobeyed God and became unclean. He sent His Son to redeem us and clean away the dirt and muck that covered us and our lives. Jesus came to be the sacrifice that gives us a way out of our despair and loneliness. God gave us a way out of evil.
There is still a place in my heart that I haven’t fully given to God. I think I keep that closed off because there is a part of me that is conditioned to protect my heart from the full force of emotion that comes when I let the true brokenness of the world saturate it. Even though I have accepted the gift of salvation, I realize I haven’t truly given myself 100% over to God.

At our bible study tonight we talked about the Holiness of God and that we forget just how holy He is and how irreverent we have become. I have some work to do. I have some trust issues to get over and fully expose myself to God and see what He wants to do with my sacrifice to Him. I want to experience the full force of His love and acceptance for me. I want to be on fire for God again, like I used to be when I first experienced His grace and mercy for me and how broken I was when He found me. And hey, at least He found me. I could still be living a life of guilt and shame, but now I choose to follow Him and let Him be in charge of my life. I just need to let go of that last little piece I am hanging on to. Good thing I have time left to work on that. What are you hanging on to?

One of Those Week’s

Like the old saying..”Feel like I’ve been through a wringer” well OUCH! Had a Carido Stress test and YUCK YUCK YUCK!!! IV that hurt, shot up with meds that turned my face red, made my neck feel like it was a size 84, had a funky taste in my mouth and trouble breathing. OH OH and Nurse taking blood pressure in between me having to squeeze rubber ball in each hand and tapping my feet! Let’s take this on the road…sure I’d get at least one vote from Carrie Ann, she’s seems like a caring person! Doc comes in and says EKG looks good. Back out to waiting room, eat cracker’s drink water and wait 40 minutes. Get IV out but have to lay on table that is I swear only 6 inches wide in the middle, put my arms above my head while holding on to a bar on a rope and lay there for 15 minutes. Camera is rotating above chest and 10 minutes into scan I cough. Not a big one thank goodness cause I find out later that they can manipulate the scan when I coughed so as not to change the result’s. Have to go back next week for a resting scan. Gonna think about that one, IV put in, radio isotope injected and back on the rack. We’ll see! I think they want to put my fantastic heart on UTube!

Hives or some sort of rash.

Used some gel on my face. Broke out in rash. Benedryl works great. Off from work. Lots of sleeping. Not a lot of blogging.

Resume your normal life. I’ll be back later.


It’s official – American Idol is back on and I’m loving it!  Finally something to watch that makes me laugh (and cry) and doesn’t involve criminal activity.  Well, now that I mention it – – there was a weird guy last night that sang about stalking Paula and there was Sparkle Girl (girl, love the earrings – 1988 called and they want those earrings back).  She seemed like she wanted a piece of Simon.

As long as they don’t pull another “Sanjaya” out of the crowd, looks like we’re back in the pop-idol making business!

I’m sure my sister will offer up her view on the subject.  She LOVES the show and plans her whole week around the it including snacks and shoes.  I’m kinda jealous about that.  Penny the Beagle doesn’t really care most of the time – although does really like Carrie Underwood.  She told me her favorite song is “The More I Love My Dog”.   I have to admit, she makes a good point.

Anywhoo.  I can’t believe that I have to wait all the way until next Tuesday for some Idol love.

Living longer = more shoes


I’d like to add to that list:

  • dance around in your pj’s on a Monday night to 80’s music
  • lay in bed with your kids and play rock paper scissors until your side ache from laughter
  • get a pedicure
  • eat lunch at least once a month with the loudest funest (it is to a word) people you know
  • try not to get caught going into the local trashy store with your friends and giggle at the stuff you see in there

Live your life to it’s fullest and don’t regret spending time with those who make your life sweeter!

You know this whole blog 365 thing?

yeah well, I didn’t factor in life…and work..and SLEEP. I have been doing a lot of the first two and not a whole lot of the third, but that is just the way it is.

I resolved to blogging more and when I can I will. I don’t feel the pressure to blog everyday even tho I joined the blog 365 group as a member and the whole ::mocking tone:: “I’m going to blog for 365 days this year! Wanna join me?” thing. Yeah whatever.

I’ll write when I get around to it. So there. :p
Thanks Mom for guest blogging on the days I missed! I know you didn’t plan it that way, but it worked out well. Now Leslie? Where did you go? I thought you had stories to tell?? Spill it sister!