One of Those Week’s

Like the old saying..”Feel like I’ve been through a wringer” well OUCH! Had a Carido Stress test and YUCK YUCK YUCK!!! IV that hurt, shot up with meds that turned my face red, made my neck feel like it was a size 84, had a funky taste in my mouth and trouble breathing. OH OH and Nurse taking blood pressure in between me having to squeeze rubber ball in each hand and tapping my feet! Let’s take this on the road…sure I’d get at least one vote from Carrie Ann, she’s seems like a caring person! Doc comes in and says EKG looks good. Back out to waiting room, eat cracker’s drink water and wait 40 minutes. Get IV out but have to lay on table that is I swear only 6 inches wide in the middle, put my arms above my head while holding on to a bar on a rope and lay there for 15 minutes. Camera is rotating above chest and 10 minutes into scan I cough. Not a big one thank goodness cause I find out later that they can manipulate the scan when I coughed so as not to change the result’s. Have to go back next week for a resting scan. Gonna think about that one, IV put in, radio isotope injected and back on the rack. We’ll see! I think they want to put my fantastic heart on UTube!

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