Who is my Mother?

She gives warm hugs that you don’t want to end.
She is tender-hearted and compassionate.
She is funnier than she thinks, but not as funny as me.
She worries a lot about hurting others, so she is careful with her words and actions.
She raised me to be the same way by her example.
She is the woman who I see in my own reflection and feel proud to be like.
She is a peace maker and negotiator.
She is generous to a fault and would give you the shirt off her back if you asked for it.
She listens with out judging and thoughtfully gives you her opinion.
She is the Mother who I see myself becoming when I am with my children.
She created two women who are independent, spirited, loving, and gorgeous!
She is all these things and more.

She is my Mom.
Happy Mother’s Day Mom, you make me feel like the most special daughter in the world. You celebrate with me and cry with me. I know I can count on you to be there for me in all ways. I don’t know many people like that. You are one in a million and I am so happy you are mine. I love you!

Chuggin’ along like an out of control freight train….

Is there no rest for the weary?? Me=weary. I still am not 100% recovered from my bronchitis. I go and see the Pulmonologist tomorrow for a much needed exam and baseline for my chronic respiratory issues. I am ready to do everything he asks me to do unlike 4 years ago when I stopped seeing him because I didn’t record my daily resp. stuff. I mean how dumb is that thinking, “I won’t go back because I didn’t do what he told me to do. I don’t want him to be mad at me.” At least now I am willing to do it, and if I don’t or miss some of it, I have the balls to be upfront with him about it.

Only 2 more weeks left of preschool. Lots of things to wrap up, decisions to make, and if I want to be there to make them. I am feeling very led to walk away and look for greener pastures, but not entirely ready to wash my hands of it. God and I have some sessions planned to talk things through. You would think he’d be booked and His co-pays expensive, but He always knows how to fit me in.

The kids are good. Lauren is working hard at school to wrap up some projects, Brenna is eagerly waiting for the Wax Museum Night for 5th Graders to be here, so she can show off her Belle Boyd character. She gets to wear a hoop style period dress and  everything. Danny can’t WAIT for his 9th birthday to get here. He is chomping at the bit. 9 years. I can’t believe how fast it has gone by. Michael Jon asks me everyday if he gets to Graduate yet and when he get to go to Kindergarten. He isn’t ready at all huh?

Jon the hard working bread winner, or is that the winner working hard bread, or working hard winning bread? I can never remember. Anywhoo..he’s still alive and he actually wants to come home every day. Go figure. He must love me.

Just a quick update on us all. More next week when my first born boy turns 9. Hasta!

Shoes and Food, two of my favorite things…..

bread-shoe.jpgThis new craze in foot wear is sweeping the nation. Shoes that you can eat. And for you toe fetish people, toes! That you can eat! This all natural, green alternative to footwear started in the small kitchen somewhere in Santa Cruz. Californians are known for their prize winning sourdough, so it seemed like a natural fit to combine a love of shoes, a desire for a greener earth, and the yummy goodness of bread.

Worried about getting the bottom of your shoe dirty? Never fear, a patent-pending technology has been created in a secret process where a protective coating is applied to the bottom of the shoe. When you are hungry, you take the shoe, peel off the coating, and pull out your convenient travel butter-boy and sit in the park and have lunch. Be careful though! You may have to keep the birds and other small animals away from your feet, or you might have to share your lunch. Other patent-pending advantages include pillow soft cushioning (no more gellin’ like a fellon), moisture absorbing properties (think cornmeal), and depending on your style preference, (Rye, Poppy, Marble, or Cheddar) a endless variety in pattern and color!

If you are feeling spicy, why not wear your cheddar jalepeno heels? If you get hungry while salsa dancing, you can share a snack with your friends and save money on appetizers! More conservative? I would recommend the pump-ernickel (get it? its a pump made out of pumpernickel?) It’s stylish, timeless, and goes with every suit you own.
Don’t have any shoes to go with that new brown polka-dot dress you bought for Church 2 weeks ago? Introducing our newest line of kitten heels; Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Pointy-Toed sling backs. Not only do they smell heavenly, but they are as soft a cloud and great for sharing with your Sunday School Class afterwards! The best part is, they also come in Low-Fat!! How awesome is that?

Do something for the planet! Do something for your stomach! Do something, anything. Seriously. Get up off your ass and go and buy some bread shoes! You won’t be sorry….or hungry!

American Idol Predictions

We didn’t get to watch it on Tuesday, but because I stayed home from work today, I got to see it finally. Sir Andrew Lloyd Weber night with only 6 left.

This is American Idol! I know you were expecting Ryan Seacreast just now, but sadly all you get is me.

Here are my predictions for Wednesday.

Top 2- Carly Smithson and Sayesha Mercado

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I enjoyed Sayesha and she was definitely in her element with the musical style of singing. Like Diana DeGarmo, if she doesn’t make it in the pop scene, she has a place on Broadway.
Carly always just makes me wanna rock. I just like her style and her range. This was perfect for her and I like that she didn’t try to go with a song that she thought would be more demure and like what Sir Andrew would want her to sing. She tried that and he stopped her!

Middle 2- David Archuleta, and David Cook

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As always, these boys deliver great vocals and arrangement but like Simon, I wasn’t jumping out of my seat or feeling all welled up with excitement inside, unlike when Carley sang, I clapped. Alone. They’ll move on.

Bottom 2- Jason Castro and Brooke White

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I watched the piece with Jason and Sir Andrew and when he started to sing on stage, I got up and went to make lunch. It was that forgettable. Same with Brooke, I was making something to eat and heard Brooke. Then I didn’t hear Brooke and I assumed it was part of the song. When I came back in, I heard them all talking about her forgetting the words. I will have to go back and see that again. While I was in the kitchen, I didn’t hear anything to get excited about.

As the show moves on, I’m not going to be too sad to see Jason and Brooke go. I think they are out of the other’s league with the exception of Sayesha. I think she is good, but I don’t know that she’ll be the next Carrie Underwood. I think any one of the top 4 could take the prize at the end tho. Who knows.


I have bronchitis. Again.

Seriously? Wham-o, it came on suddenly since Friday. Must be why I wasn’t feeling stellar. I didn’t stay for Scrapbook night, instead I left a box of cream puffs and my eternal gratitude to my friends for holding the craft fort down while I went home and went to bed. Today I woke up with lots of chest pain and wheezing, so I went to see the doctor. I should just be able to write myself a prescription and save myself the 15 dollar co-pay. I was right. This is what happens when you mix webmd and experience with bronchitis at least 20 times in my lifetime. Oy.

On a random note, I can type 65 words a minute with less than 8 mistakes (the test said 1 mistake a min. is the gold standard, I say, “whatever”) and I can 10 key 6500 ksph. So what does that really mean and why should you care? Well that just means I can’t get a job unless I can type 65 wpm with no mistakes and have 10,000 ksph in 10-key. I mean I could get a job with my current skills, it just wouldn’t be a good one. LOL No really…I don’t think that is half bad and I think I would do just as well at another job. Reading all those job descriptions is a little daunting, but if I am going to look for another job someday, at least I have a goal in mind: become a robot.

I think I’ll go have an anti-biotic cocktail with an ice cream chaser….

Where is everyone?

Ok, so like I know everyone on my blog roll has a life, but I need to read about what is going on with you. Updated and the like..ya know..more than once a day! I need to be able to escape the hell that is my life right now and slip into the perspective of someone else, even if it is for a fleeting moment. When I say the hell that is my life I don’t mean that everything is HORRIBLE, I just mean that I am stressed and busy and being all things to all people and working and OH MY GOSH- being a grown-up! and…it stinks! (I know, I know..you are playing the world’s smallest violin for me now)

Anyway….I have already told anyone who will listen about creepy guy who won’t leave me alone, so I am all talked about that and work is well…work. Home is ok, but could be better….IM JUST TIRED. SLEEP i NEED SLEEP!!  Monster Java LOCO MOCHA isnt good for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Ok, maybe not dinner…that would keep me up.

ok, well I am done ranting and I have an eye exam, so I gotta go.

Pantry Raid

We went to Sam’s Club again. I question my sanity when I have to put all the groceries away. Will we really eat all those bagels? Will we go through 5 gallons of mayonnaise? No, I really didn’t buy the 5 gallons of mayonnaise, but I thought about it. So, far we have used everything we bought last month, so we needed to replenish, but we are running out of places to hide our goods. It seems like a lot of money to spend at first, but it has worked out to be more cost efficient then us going to Wal-Mart every week and spending 100 bucks or more and the snacks disappear at the end of the week.

So? How’s it going? Pretty good? Awesome.

Well…I better get going. I have 4 tons of laundry to do, vacuuming, and putting away all the food we are going to eat. Then I have to figure out something for dinner and how come it always feels like you are supposed to be going someplace when you don’t have anything planned?
Somewhere amongst the business that is my life, my Dad is having surgery and I am distracted with thoughts of anticipation, hoping it goes well and they don’t find anything unusual. I am being a good girl and not calling my Sister 5 times and asking for an update. I will let her call me. It’s so hard to do that, but I am trying.  Love you Daddy! It will be ok. I just know it.

Ok, so I am not blogging 365

You can’t really blame me. I have had a lot on my plate since Jan. 1. But, there is hope! There is always hope. Thank GOD!

Here in list form is the haps going on in our house in the last week or so.

  • Son won’t stop drumming. It is driving. us. crazy.
  • Family plots regularly how to destroy said drumming and hide drumsticks. (drumsticks have been made out of various materials including sticks, knitting needles, straws with painters tape all over them, and broken toy parts)
  • Constantly looking for the cans of nuts and other lidded vessels that have been confiscated to make drums. Think we should get him a dang drum set and just be done with it?
  • Work is slowing down, but gearing up to get ready for the end of the school year and work on keeping us open for next year. Enrollment is not looking so good right now, so who knows. We need a miracle!
  • I’ve been trying to get back into choir, but it seems to be eluding me. I missed Sunday’s service to help at another church and so I’m not really participating as much as I should be.
  • Jon is done with his conference and I am glad to see him again. Between his travel and heavy work load and my trip to STL, I have missed him.
  • Lauren is done with her UIL Choir competition, they got all 1’s and medaled! It was a lot of work to get them there and they did great! I am so proud of her for digging in and giving it her all to be a part of the “team”. It takes dedication to learn complicated music and practice for hours and hours every week.
  • Lauren also participated in a Speech Competition last week and although she didn’t make it past the first qualifying round, she gave it her 100% best. It was a big deal to have 2 of her events make it into the competition, so I am doubly proud of her and she is proud that she tried too! Go Lauren!!
  • We went swimming this Saturday. It was fun, but I think I pulled some muscles. I did some “water aerobics” and I think I hurt myself. I also found a new swim top that is super cute. My friend has the same one from Target, so we can’t swim together or we’ll be twinkies. LOL
  • American Idol is back in full swing at my house every Wednesday. It always runs so late, but we have a great time visiting and catching up on each other’s weeks. I think a few are irritated that we don’t just sit and watch, that we watch, eat, talk, watch, talk, talk, talk, and then watch! LOL Oh well…we can’t help it. We’re girls!
  • Oh! I have discovered a new sin. They are called Oreo Cakesters. Watch out if you know what is good for you. They are innocent at first and then you find you want to eat the whole box. I am going to have a few boxes on hand for AI this week as my contribution. Let the sin begin!

Pretty much our week in a nutshell. I don’t have a whole lot to talk about, well that’s not true. I have a lot to share, but I feel lazy about forming my thoughts into coherent sentences and the spelling! Oy, that’s annoying. :o)

Hope you guys have an awesome week. I get to go to work tomorrow! Yay! And then choir and AI on Wednesday, Men’s group for Jon on Thursday, and then Friday glorious Friday. Saturday brings a luncheon with Debily ( I didn’t forget!) and then Sunday brings Church. Monday brings sleeping in and cleaning  and my Dad’s surgery. Pray for him and a speedy recovery!
And then PAYDAY!! WHOOT! So I wish you all happy Sunny days and all that optimistic crap.Â