Who is my Mother?

She gives warm hugs that you don’t want to end.
She is tender-hearted and compassionate.
She is funnier than she thinks, but not as funny as me.
She worries a lot about hurting others, so she is careful with her words and actions.
She raised me to be the same way by her example.
She is the woman who I see in my own reflection and feel proud to be like.
She is a peace maker and negotiator.
She is generous to a fault and would give you the shirt off her back if you asked for it.
She listens with out judging and thoughtfully gives you her opinion.
She is the Mother who I see myself becoming when I am with my children.
She created two women who are independent, spirited, loving, and gorgeous!
She is all these things and more.

She is my Mom.
Happy Mother’s Day Mom, you make me feel like the most special daughter in the world. You celebrate with me and cry with me. I know I can count on you to be there for me in all ways. I don’t know many people like that. You are one in a million and I am so happy you are mine. I love you!

One Reply to “Who is my Mother?”

  1. WoW = MoM

    Happy WoW Day everyone!
    You are awesome Sweetie and I love you!

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