
It’s been a while since I last that.

I’ll try to sum it up in one sentence.

I’m busy, deal with it.

Have a nice day. 🙂

Blog-jacking, glitter, and Rain

Over at Random Commands, I updated for Jon. I was tired of seeing the same post up. So I fixerated it. 😀 (waving – Hi Honey!!) Happy Wedding Day Colin and Sarah!! Wish we could be there! Congratulations!!
Last night I was alll by myself. L & B were at a “Movie Star” sleepover/ B-D Party, D was at his friends house playing Star Wars II on X-box and playing Yughi-o, and MJ was at a friends house for a toddler sleepover. All this so I could go and scrapbook while Jon is out of town. Usually he has the kiddos and I stay out as long as I want and I don’t have to worry about the dog or the kids. He falls asleep and then I sleep in cuz I stayed out late. It’s the life isn’t it?? I even got one whole layout done and all 6 letters I needed to make for the Children’s Choir performance tomorrow night. I cut out the letters, P R A I S E out of foamcore in different colors and then outlined and embellished them with glitter glue. They turned out so cute! I’ll have to take a picture of my layout with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill..very cute…if I do say so myself. 🙂
So in order to have a similar scrapbook night this month, I farmed out my youngins excluding the dog. I came home at 8:45pm and let her out and loved on her for a bit and then left to get going on my pages. I came home about 3:30 or so and let her out again and then she hopped on the couch for some soft pillow time. I was done decompressing (hey dont think its all talking, chocolate, and gigglesnorting going on at Scrapbook night, we use some serious brain power planning pages and laughing until your sides ache) I put her back in her crate.

About 7:30 rolls around and she starts whining and making noise. This is the same time she wants to get out during the week, so she would already be out and fed by then. I had only been alseep for about 3 hours, not exactly the time I wanted to get up. 8:30 the phone rings and I shoot up out of bed and stumble for my purse to find my cell phone. Can’t find it. Caller calls back immediately. I think its one of the girls with an immediate need. Nope, it’s my friend who took MJ. She wanted to know what time to drop him off again. I say 10am, which by now seems soo far away and I have more time to sleep. She thought it was at 9am, so she wanted to make sure. Oy. I let the dog out because by now she is flipping out and howling to get out. Drama much? So I let her out, put her outside, shut the door, walked back to my bed, and flopped down to get another hours worth of sleep. Lets just say she wasn’t too happy with me. Oh well. A dogs life can be ruff. Ha.

I am up in time, I pick up the girls on time and make it to church to pick up the boys. I exchange children with Bobby and head inside. When I am done helping out with rehearsal, we get ready to head out to the parking lot. I look across the lot and see that the driver side window is left open on our van. Huh?! I didn’t realy do that, did I? Oh yes I did! I was talking to Bobby before we pulled into the parking spaces and rolled down my window. On a normal day, it wouldn’t have been such a big deal. But today, the sky opened up and poured out a rain we haven’t seen in a loooong time. Complete with sideways windy rain that found its way onto my leather drivers seat and the whole inside of the door panel, including the buttons that make the locks work, the windows go up and down, and the side view mirrors to move around. Luckily everything still works, but I had to run into church and grab some towels to dry my seat off so I could drive.

Five hours of sleep, 4 kids, 1 wet seat, 1 wet door, a birthday party to go to, and a dog who has barely seen us. This is going to be an interesting weekend. Only 21 more hours until Jon gets home. I think I can…I think I can.. I think I can…. sunday school 9:30am -see kids at 10:30 am- sit quietly until Noon – eat lunch – nap at 1pm. Yeah I can handle it. 😀

Roses are red, Angie is blue *warning* Whine coming on…..

Going thru another blue time in my life. Job woes, health woes tend to catch up with you after a while. Jon and I made the decision to wait for me to get a full time job until Micahel goes to school. And of course that means we need to curb our spending habits, eat at home and pay off bills. 2 out of 3 of those things fall on my shoulders as the main shopper/spender in the family. I buy for the kids, for Jon and mostly for myself. Although I must pat myself on I guess my own back because I have realy been careful about what I have been buying and erring on the side of caution more often than not. Now, if I could stop eating our money away by going out and eating at fast food and resturants, then I think we would be ok. If I could stop wasting 15 dollars worth of meat at a time (yes Nat, I mentioned it again..pork chops :P) we would be better than eating out. Some days I am so tired, so had it up to here ^ that I just want to give up. I don’t, I keep going..but it gets old after a while.

Jon might say I need to start taking my meds again, but I really think this time is different. I don’t feel hopeless, just apathetic. I don’t feel worthless, just struggling with where my place is. I am a Mom, I would like to be a working Mom, but with that comes so many complications, that if the “right” job doesn’t come along, I feel less than equiped to be looking for work. Like I am only qualified to stay at home with my kids and not good enough for a paying job. Jon doesn’t put any pressure on me to work. Even in our worst financial times, he supports our decision that we made 13 years ago for me to stay at home and raise our kids.

I think God and I are working on things together, but I tend to take over more than He would like. It’s just so hard to give up control, even though I know He has better things in mind for me than I could even dream of.  I just have to remember that I don’t have it rough….I have it waay good and I am soo thankful for my life.

So, now that I have poured out my random thoughts (should I have posted that on RandomCommands?) I think I am good. Thanks for listening.

Ye best be walkin’ the Birthday Plank me matey! Arrrgh!

landahoy.jpg     Happy Birthday Michael Jon!! Wow, I can’t believe you are 4 whole years old! I remember when you were in my tummy and I was sooo happy to finally meet you! Those little hands and feet..oh those feet! The same feet you still like to stick in your nose and flick your eyelashes with. I don’t know why, but you love feet. You make my giggle in the morning when you sneak in and pull back the end of my covers and ever so lightly brush your finger over my big toe. Sometimes I kick you accidentally and make you get out of my room! But you are funny and quirky and I love you so very much. I hope you enjoyed your day today! You got your Pirate Ship, a tape player/voice changer, 5 tapes to listen to, some books and bubbles, a football, and a Dot the Dog Matching game. But according to you, your favorite gift of all, is the Little People gift”card” you got in the mail from Grandpa! You can’t wait to go and pick out something fun and exciting just like big sisters Lauren and Brenna, and big brother Daniel. You have officially come out of toddlerhood and are entering the fun and new world of kid. My sweet boy Michael….Happy Birthday baby, Mama Loves you! :*


Now this is one Pirate I couldn’t possibly be scared of….all I want to do is KISS that face!! Mmmuuuwhaaa!!

Ok, so maybe not the worstest…

My sister called me today to catch up…on life. She asked me how I was doing as I haven’t been updating my blawg. I said I have been busy. She said, “You’re busy? I don’t know why, you sit around eating bon bons all day!” NOT…but it would be nice…and ok, so I don’t eat bon bons, but I do sit around waaay more than I should, therefore I wait until the last minute to do everything (end procrastination…tomorrow) and so I dropped the Birthday ball…again! I thought I totally had that covered when she came in July for the Tim/Faith concert and I got her a t-shirt. I forgot I needed to send a card and call…sheesh, high maintence maybe? Anyway, I called her on her birthday, but I didn’t send a card. I totally wanted to and I had all these plans to sit down and make her one and try to show her up because she always makes such cute cards and all…no such luck for her tho..I didn’t do it. BUT I called!! That so counts.

So Leslie calls today and asks how come Matt got a cute pink birthday cupcake but she didn’t? And my response to her was, “cuz I suck.” That pretty much sums that up and is way easier than trying to come up with a lame excuse or lying about why I didn’t send a card. All this to say….



Pine Ho’s

Jon: “Where is the remote and why can’t I ever find it?”

Michael: “Shut your big pine ho!”

Angie:(stiffled snicker)

Jon: “What is a pine ho?”

Michael: turns to me and says, “What’s a pine ho again?”

Angie and Jon: Bwwaahahahahhahahahaaaa!!

Michael: Hahahahaha

We think he was trying to say, “shut your pie hole”. I have no idea where he got that from…(whistles as I walk away..)