Ho Hum

My life is boring. Chores, laundry, and cooking. Same day different shit.**(Editors Note)** Same shit different day..man, I can’t even think clearly! Not a whole lot to report. Fight with hubby woke the kids up. Oops. I think I am going to get my period. See what you have been missing? Not a whole lot.

MJ sees the pediatric ortho tomorrow to see if he really did have a fracture in his elbow, hopefully his cast can come off and he will be as good as new. I am not sure how they handle physical therapy for 4 year olds.

I guess Im just to white and nerdy to have anything good to say. Peace out, yo.

I guess I should update….

It’s been a while…I’ve been a little busy, with Christmas preperations, traveling, Christmas, traveling, New Years, etc. Now I am catching up with all the things I left behind to go to Missouri. I feel so inspired to create, I have gone out and spent waaaay too much money on beads and wire and fun stuff. I’m going to start making jewelry to sell throughout the year instead of the week before. I have made two rings and a pair of earrings so far and I will post the pictures of what I make. I’ll keep ya posted.

I don’t have any new years resolutions per say, but I am watching what I eat and after the first 2 days of being “Oz”ified, I was starving and broke down and ate 4 rice cakes and a ding dong. I need to be eating at more regular intervals. One step at a time. I didn’t get fat all at once, and I won’t get healthy all at once either.
I am eating a new find. Lavash bread. Its a transfat, cholesterol free flat bread with flax, and whole wheat. It tastes pretty good. 1 whole wrap which is about 12 inches long and 7 inches wide is only 200 calories. 2 slices of turkey and 1 slice of good havarti cheese and some romain lettuce and 2 tbs. of ranch dressing and I am good to go. I even let myself have 1 serving of salt and vinegar lays potato chips, as they are now made with sunflower oil instead of all those nasty hydrogonated fats…only once a week tho am I going to have chips with lunch. Moderation. I think that way, I wont feel deprived.

anyway….Happy New Year to everyone. I hope yours is filled with all the people you love, goals you want to reach, and the faith to get you through.

The Blue Arm of Missouri

We followed up with the Pediatric Orthopedist today in St. Louis. They didn’t see a fracture, but they found blood in the tissue on the x-ray, so they were worried that it was an occult fracture or hidden fracture, so he is in a hard cast for the next 10 to 14 days. Then we will follow up with our ped. ortho. in Plano and get him squared away. He was such a trooper, he laid there and behaved just like I knew he would. The nurses thought he was a doll as usual, they always do. Only bummer is that we have to bathe him with a plastic bag of course so it doesn’t get wet. That would be bad. He chose blue for his cast color, in Dynaco Blue fashion.

The present he’ll never forget…

Twas the night before Christmas and off to the park
The kids were running before it got dark.
Penny the beagle following by,
Sniffing the ground, ready to fly.
Grandpa and Penny checking things out,
waiting to hear the fun they shout out.
Brenna was swinging with Lauren beside,
Daniel was zooming on down the slide.
Michael was adventuring up near the top,
until down he fell and his arm, it went POP!
Grandpa he saw and ran as fast as he could
to the boy who was wailing and in a bad mood.
Tucked his little arm in and back to the house,
Michael Jon soon became quiet as a mouse.
Daddy assessed and determined with clues
that Michaels little arm could be broken in two.
Off to the emergency room with high rate,
We waited an hour in room number 8.
An x-ray and picture only hurt just a bit,
a doctor came in and fixed it right quick.
A splint, some magic reindeer feed, and a cool little sling,
Michael was treated like royalty, a KING.
We doped him up good with some really good meds,
He slept like a rock in our hotel bed.
We hope by next week that he’ll be alright,

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

12 hours + 4 kids = rusty needle in eye

6:57 PM 12/21/2006 Ok so I was using Jon’s make you want to pull your nose hairs thru your tear ducts computer and it kept locking up on me. I wrote down these precious quotes that mikey said that were too funny…now I have to use my memory that is about as fresh as a wilted daisy…Here goes

Mikey, “Hey, are we still in Naz-a-weth? [pauses for answer and then sings, Mary lived in Nazaweth,

nazaweth, nazaweth…” We were in Oklahoma…lol

Mikey again, “I want to watch my movie…Mom: we can’t watch it because Daddy’s computer isn’t working. You can just look out the window and look at the pretty lights.

Mikey: there aren’t any firewoyks! [pause about 30 seconds] ok, firewoyks in tennn mintues!” Haha! He makes me laugh…

right now they are making me feel like they are  plucking my armpit hairs out with a rusty pair of tongs.

that is what I wrote while driving in the car. I see that was only about 7 hours into the drive..oy. We pulled into OFallon around 1:25am and Jon and I were ready to go right to sleep, I guess the boys had other ideas. Poor Lauren tossed and turned quite a bit too, she had  been sleeping for a while and I don’t think she was ready to go right to sleep.

I think I fell alseep around 2am or so and we woke up at 7:30 for breakfast. Normally I would be the first to turn down breakfast in favor of sleeping…sleep glorious sleep, however! I was hungry and I figured that I wouldnt get to sleep all that much more anyway…I was wrong..I could have had another uninterupted hour of sleep! Duh on Mommy.

Breakfast here isn’t that gourmet, but it’ll make a turd. Biscuits and country gravy, frosted donuts (like someone literally frosted the donut, Dan said, ” thier donuts are terrible!” He should know, haha) unsweetened ceral and waffles. I think the hot biscuits and gravy and hot waffle saved the day.

I think I’ll wait another 30 min. or so to call my Mama….see ya later!

Time waits for no one….

1:36 AM 12/21/2006
We are leaving for St. Louis today. Because it’s today already. Last year when we traveled across the country, I would write offline in Notepad and date and time stamp all my entries. I think I will do that this time and see what happens along the way. We always have such a good time in the car on road trips together, only this time the kids won’t have thier own DVD player to keep them entertained. I am sure the trip home will be a different story with all the things they are sure that Santa is going to bring them. I hope that they will sleep and it will be quiet and then Jon and I can sing to our favorite songs because we both have our OWN zen. 😀
I am looking forward to seeing my Mother, sister, and Dad. It has been over a year and a half since we have seen Mom. I hope she is feeling better and prepared for all the kids to be in her face and loving on her and Dad, and Leslie too.
I guess we should head to bed, we have a long day ahead of us. I stayed up until 4:20 or so yesterday doing Christmas cards and wrapping presents. Tonight I even made dinner AND chocolate chip cookies. I rock.

This is the post that ne-ver ends….

No not really. It’s been a while since I updated. Lots and lots have been going on in our household. We successfully finished dinner theater! Yay! We celebrated Lauren’s birthday! Yay! We are getting ready to see Jon’s Dad! Yay! My Mom is in the hospital! Yay! Er..Boo! Yeah, so well….it’s been a rough, busy, challenging week.

  • Mom has some sort of infection, possibly the flu. Not sure until the test comes back. Caught what she thought was a cold and when she was not able to breath, she went by ambulance to the hospital on Wed. morning. She has to get better, she is supposed to be flying out here for a visit. Selfishly…I want her to be able to make it, but if she isn’t ready to come, I will understand. You hear that Mom? We will understand!
  • Happy Birthday Lauren my 12 year old!! It was just yesterday you were born and I was trying to figure out what the heck I was doing! New baby…young Mother…now we are both older! Wiser? Maybe we are still working on that. I hope it was a special day for you sweetie! We love you!
  • Lots of cleaning..laundry..dishes…vacuuming…to do before Jon’s Dad gets here. Jon and I are going to bust our butts to get it done. Normally we would have done it all by now, but we have been a little busy with all of our activities and such. Remind me next year to practice the art of saying NO….say it with me.. NoooOoooooooo.
  • Christmas shopping: Oy. Nuff said.
  • Dinner Theater was great. We watched back the performance from Sat. last night. We pulled it off. Biggest production we have ever done and we did the singing with less than 20 choir members and had a childrens cast of over 20 and a drama team of less than 10. It was awesome! I can’t wait to get a video and youtube some of it so you all can see it! I was even happy with my solo performance this year! Normally I would hide my face and think I did horribly. Better to do a lesser part and rock than try for the bigger part and suck!

Jon is home with yummies for breakfast! See ya!

Man! I make beautiful children!

I can’t get over how grown up Lauren is becoming. It boggles my mind. Here she ready for her Winter Concert with the Wilson Choir. I am so proud of her and with her good looks she has inherited my singing ablility. I LOVE this dress on her. Goodness, anymore pats on the back and I will have a bruise. haha…

Lambic on Tap

Went to BJ’s for dinner tonight. Had a raspberry beer with dinner. Have decided that I like it too much. Won’t be having that anytime soon.

On other news fronts. I am working on Christmas gifts. It’s a new hobby and like rubber stamping, I am fast becoming addicted. Someone stop me please. I do not need another craft to get into.

This is the last week for dinner theater. We had tonight off, a much needed rest.
Here is my list of to do’s for tomorrow:

MJ school
Work on stained glass panels for DT. (not real ones, make 7 years ago out of paper and cellophane)
Dress Christmas tree for Mary’s apt.
Return 2 pair pants to walmart, pick up a few items, and rebuy right size pants for Jon
Oh! forgot about that…pay bill at doctors office
Pick MJ up from school
Go back to church at 5:30pm for supper
Praise Team practice at 6:30pm until 7:30
7:45 until we are done, rehearse scenes 1-10 for Dinner Theater
Go home and collapse

I think Thursday will be an identical schedule except for last minute fixes for the set and such. I just hope my feet and back can hold out until it’s all over on Sat. night. But then I have to be up early on Sunday morning to sing on Praise Team. It doesn’t seem like there is an end in sight because after that, is the Ladies Silent Auction that I am a part of and then it’s a mad dash to clean the house from top to bottom because Jon’s Dad is going to be in town and then my Mom is next, then after a few days with her here, we all leave to St. Louis for Christmas! I think I will finally get a break on Jan. 2! Wooot!

I better go to sleep..its an early morning and a long day with even longer night!