The present he’ll never forget…

Twas the night before Christmas and off to the park
The kids were running before it got dark.
Penny the beagle following by,
Sniffing the ground, ready to fly.
Grandpa and Penny checking things out,
waiting to hear the fun they shout out.
Brenna was swinging with Lauren beside,
Daniel was zooming on down the slide.
Michael was adventuring up near the top,
until down he fell and his arm, it went POP!
Grandpa he saw and ran as fast as he could
to the boy who was wailing and in a bad mood.
Tucked his little arm in and back to the house,
Michael Jon soon became quiet as a mouse.
Daddy assessed and determined with clues
that Michaels little arm could be broken in two.
Off to the emergency room with high rate,
We waited an hour in room number 8.
An x-ray and picture only hurt just a bit,
a doctor came in and fixed it right quick.
A splint, some magic reindeer feed, and a cool little sling,
Michael was treated like royalty, a KING.
We doped him up good with some really good meds,
He slept like a rock in our hotel bed.
We hope by next week that he’ll be alright,

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

2 Replies to “The present he’ll never forget…”

  1. Oh, we are so sorry to hear of MJ’s accident! We’re glad the little prince received the royal treatment and hope all is mending well.
    And, BTW, GREAT blog! Enjoyed it!

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