The Shame Diet

0611_alley_sp.jpgDid you see Oprah the other day? Did you see Kirstie Alley on there strutting her Jenny Craig stuff in a bikini? She made a goal a year ago to come out at her goal weight in a bikini on national TV. She looked pretty good for 55 years old. I know I won’t look that good in a bikini at 55, stripper hose or not!
This morning on one of the morning shows, I see a reporter talking about people’s motivation to lose weight. Do they do it because they want to be healthy and lessen their risk of dieing? No..most people would do it to save face. Some magazine did an experiement. Took some men and women and did a photo shoot of them in bikini’s and speedos. Gave them a goal: lose 15 lbs. in 2 months. No diet plan, no trainers, just the threat of total humiliation by publishing thier photos in the magazine for all the world to see. During that 2 month period, they were emailed a picture of themselves to keep their shame level high so the motivation wouldn’t wane. I guess it worked. They all came back and everyone but 1 women reached their goal of 15 lbs. lost. The woman who fell short of the goal by 3 lbs. was granted a pardon.
This begs the question for a lot of us. Would you, would I be motivated enough to be shamed into reaching a goal so that we could avoid be humiliated? I say obviously not because I feel humiliated and shamed by my weight already, so could you really use that as a motivator for losing weight? I don’t know. I am not sure I am willing to use that tactict as yet another way to fail at dieting.
Speaking of dieting. I talked about this a while ago and have been waiting for word back from my insurance about the gastric surgery I want to have. I called the Dr.’s office 2 weeks ago and asked them about the letter. I was told every time I called that they would get back to me. Nothing. I called this morning and was told that they submitted a letter on Oct. 11 asking for approval. It is 4 days shy of the 30 day turn around, so they say. Funny because when I was researching this whole thing, I called my insurance myself and spoke with someone about the process and they said that once the letter asking for approval was sent in the determination would be a 24 hour turn around. I guess not huh?

It’s frustrating because if I call, I get a standard answer, “I’ll call your insurance and see what is up.” That is what this girl said 2 weeks ago and I haven’t heard anything back from her. It feels like she and the insurance are holding my life in their hands. If they say no, then I have a whole lot more work to do to get approved, if they say yes, then my life will change forever and I can become the active fully involved Mom and wife I want to be under all this weight that is literally weighing me down. Knowing that a YES from the insurance will also mean drastic changes in lifestyle and eating habits is just one facet of how things will be different for me and my family. As hard as it might be, I want to be free of all the problems I have because of my weight.
I guess now the only thing I can do is hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Feels like 4 years all over again.

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