Shame on me

I have to apologize for yesterdays post. I did sustain a crafting injury, but I was at church when I posted that. It was our Upward Evaluations for the upcoming season and I was sitting at the table with Jon’s laptop posting before the day got away from me. I had to cut it short and end it sounding like a total dork, which on most days is not that hard for me to do…sound like a total dork that is.

This morning I not only re-hurt my hand, but I also twisted my knee…great. Like I really need another freakin thing to keep my from doing the frillion and 3 things I have to do.
Besides, there is MUST SEE TV to keep up with..we are so behind on our show watching….I’ve been a bad girl and spending a lot of time away from home, and while I love LOVE doing my thing with friends, I know I have been skipping out on a lot of my duties here at home. Not only the chores of everyday life, but the time and energy I haven’t given to my kids and husband. Jon deserves a medal for all the stuff he has done in my place while I was out running around. Two birthday parties, Upward Evals, drama rehearsal, feeding the kids, making sure the dog doesn’t run away….You are awesome! Thanks Honey!
I have been trying to keep the same train of thought for the last hour or so and trying to keep this post from sounding disconnected…well doesn’t seem like I made it! I think I’ll end it for now….tomorrow will be fun and not whiney….I think I’ll pick a topic out of my new book of blog ideas…stay tuned! I promise it will get better!

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