I still say getting up early is wrong.

So today is the exchange the kids day. No, their lease isn’t up. Although if kids came with a red carpet lease, when they got to the moody teenager phase, we could just turn them in for a model that only spits up and doesn’t talk back! I jest!! No really, two come back from pre-teen camp and one went on a youth mission trip. The last but not least will go off for a few short hours to nature day camp. Needless to say, this weekend has been a whirlwind of laundry, cleaning, packing, more laundry, and lots of cooking. Oh, and throw in the buying of 2 TV’s and the taking back of one. I know, we’re crazy. I never said we weren’t certifiable!

Daughter #1 had a "party" with 3 of her friends. Let’s just say, they giggle A LOT! I surprised myself and didn’t do what I have done in the past, i.e. shush them all night long or retreat into my room. I was too busy cooking homemade stir-fry and hand rolled california sushi rolls!! I know, I’m crazy. Her friends weren’t adventurous as they claimed they would be if we had asian cuisine, but Lauren enjoyed it greatly! I did too, yum!


I had this post all planned out in my head yesterday and it sat there waiting to be finished, but duty called and I got to drive all over hither and yon and watch some kids. It didn’t get done, and now my thoughts are long gone. *sigh* I was so tired yesterday, I was ready to go to bed at 9pm! Unheard of for me unless I am ill or on pain meds. MJ was so tired after his nature camp, play at best friends house, then plan again at other friends house, that when we met Dad for dinner at Taco B, he laid down on the booth seat and fell asleep! I couldn’t wake him up no matter what I did, so Dad carried him to the car, he slept on the way home, then when we pulled in to the driveway, he woke up and demanded to know why we hadn’t stopped for dinner! I told him it was waiting for him but he fell asleep and he said "Yay!", then walked in the house and ended up falling into his bed and sleeping for another 1 and a half. He woke up just in time for us to want to go to bed. Hopefully today he’ll make it through dinner.

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