What a gas!

Many years ago my cousins, sister and I were coming back home from a night of girly fun. We got out of the car and started to walk up the hill to my Dad’s apartment where I visited every other weekend for years. Out of nowhere someone called a race to get to the door first. Now being the top heavy girl that I was, one could only imagine the inertia generated by a quick running start. One could also surmise that I was not athletic as a teenager, so when we all started to run I got overly excited. Like a gun going off at the start of a race, I jetted out of the gate and took off surprisingly fast. Half way down the sidewalk, I started to slip on the recently watered lawn. Free falling to ground in slow motion I almost heard the theme song from Chariots of fire. I hit the ground and there I remained. Looking up I see my cousins and sister doubled over with fits of laughter and in between pointing and trying to feign concern for my face plant they make their way over to help. Not wanting to accept any help, I quickly roll over onto my hands and knees to get up and as I rock back to hurl myself upright, I do what every girl fears. I fart.  Yes, that is right. I honked the horn of plenty as I attempted to get off the ground. We all rolled with laughter and up to that day when asked, “what was your most embarrassing moment?”, I didn’t have one. I knew from that day forward, I would never live it down.” Sure enough some 2o years later, I still get reminded of the time I fell down and farted on the way back up. I guess when you mix 4 girls, uncoordinated running, hysterical laughter and the motion of getting up, you toot. Who knew?

Moral of this story? Run slower and take bean-no before so there will bean-no after.

One Reply to “What a gas!”

  1. I do not remember that AT ALL!!! I’m sorry that I laughed at you. I would still laugh if that happened now – but mostly because I’d be laughing with you, not at you. Heck, you’re talking to someone who had an “accident” at K-Mart and had to throw her panties away when she got home!

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