A Year in Review

I see this Meme everywhere else like here (ok so I couldn’t find any blogs I read that are doing this, but I did google it and I know I read it from a link that I read…a link of a link of some guy who linked it? oh who cares, just read it and do it. Tag your it!) and here and oh yeah, here, so I might as well do it too.. It’s boring I know, but I get what they all mean.

Here is the first line from the first post of each month in 2007:

January: It’s been a while…I’ve been a little busy, with Christmas preparations, traveling, Christmas, traveling, New Years, etc.

February: If the old man snores when it rains, then what does he do when it snows? He freezes his ass off that’s what!

March: I went to Canton with 2 of my friends last Saturday.

April: Today is my first “work” day off in 4 weeks.

May: Please take a number…I thought my list a couple of days ago was long, but today, today my friends was a doozy!

June: Saw the Gastroenterologist today.

July: All went well picking up Mom from the airport.

August: I’m not sure if the “man” in the picture is wearing a lace edged pair of boxers or a skirt but I think they were going for “gender neutral”, in any case… HUH????

September: It was a very eventful weekend.

October: I am at my Auntie’s house and we are having a great time….as if we wouldn’t we are girls!

November: Pain in the foot…or is that the neck??

December: It’s amazing how good it feels when the world works with you and not against you.

And there you have it….a whole year of my life in condensed version and aren’t you thankful? I didn’t realize just how many health problems plagued me last year. I am hoping for more favorable health in ’08, so we won’t count the tendonitis in both my ankle and my elbow. I’m just going to pretend it doesn’t mean anything, because MOM? It does, but I am pretending that it doesn’t. ::grin::

2 Replies to “A Year in Review”

  1. Gesh…I suggested that that is what it might be, not that it wasn’t “anything”…I’m not MoM MD…lol!

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