Who the hell do you think you are? Showing up unannounced in the middle of the night! Interupting my precious beauty sleep? I do not appreciate the calling card of a pimple you left me ON MY NOSE and the extra water on my ankles. Do you really think I enjoy hearing my feet slosh? Last time I checked I didn’t exactly give you permission to take up residence in my chin, stomach, thighs, and hips. I hope you are happy. None of my clothes fit and it’s your fault!
If you are going to out stay your welcome anyway at least lay off the salt. You crave and crave, and I end up gaining 10 lbs. and that makes for a very cranky me. Also, avoid the whole face area. It’s off limits to you and your filthy friends. Oh and STOP with the HORMONES already. Seriously, do you have to change everything around?? I mean, what have I done to you? I feed you, I give you rest, I take you shopping when my pants don’t fit. I give you everything and all you ever do is cause me pain. That’s it. No more MRS. Nice Girl, we are done. I don’t ever want to see you again! Oh and don’t even think about trying to sneak back in or I will totally Midol your ass.
Kiss my bippy,


One Reply to “Yo PMS”

  1. uh.. oh…

    where did i put my sleeping bag…

    oh yeah… don’t need it tonight, as you are sleeping on the ‘couch’!

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