Angie and the terrible horrible no good very bad day

Can I just whine for a while?? Please? Thanks.

It all started yesterday. Went to my appt./seminar for the Gastric Surgery and listened and filled out a bunch of paperwork. I talked with the doctor and he thinks I am a good candidate. Now normally I am not one to announce to the world how much I weigh, but this is supposed to be a place I can come and talk about almost anything. Maybe if I share with the internet, I might help someone else who is going through what I am with their weight and how to control it. My stats are as follows: I weight 301 lbs. I stand at 5′ 5″, my blood pressure was 143/93 which for me is high and the doc thinks I have undiagnosed hyperstension, my body mass index is 50.5, and he also thinks I might suffer from sleep apnea. As much as it pains me to reveal the thing I hate about myself the most, how much I weigh, I know it can only get better from here. I am asking for help and I know some way or another I will get it. Insurance might put me through the ringer, but Dr. Davidson thinks he can help me. I made an appt. for a sleep study, I will also go and talk to some other people about their experiences thru a group support meeting at the hospital next week. All in all, I learned some more about not only myself and in the Doctor’s words, that I am in “deep doo-doo” as far as my health, but I can at least say that I did something and not just sat there literally and let my weight kill me.

That really wasn’t the bad part either. Emotionally draining, yes, but cathardic in a way. Today was the killer.
I am catching a cold, my job interview isn’t until tomorrow and I showed up today. The dog came home from the Vet last night sicker than a dog (ha.) and so she had to go back this morning. She stayed all day, was given steroid shots for her soreness, and pain medicine for tonight and the next couple of days. Who would have known that going in to have your teeth cleaned could end up making you sick? I sure didn’t. The gave her all of her shots and did all sorts of tests on her for her yearly exam. Poor baby.
I almost hit a car on the way out of the parking lot at the job interview that isn’t until tomorrow. I had to take Michael to the doctor because his ear swelled to the size of cauliflower. Turns out something either stung him or bit him. Lauren has a rash, Brenna has an ulcer in her mouth, Dan got a note home from school saying he didn’t do his homework. Jon is ok, for now (knock on wood) and I went to pick Sadie up from the Vet and they tried to charge me for her medication. I said, “I don’t think so sister.” and they took it off after I explained that she wouldn’t even be here if they had just asked my permission to do the wellness exam.
I did get to take a short nap, but the kids think that it’s ok to come in and ask me dumb questions like, “Hey Mom, do you think I can go over to Cade’s house sometime?” Me: “Uh, Dan? Do you think I could think about that and get back to you? Do I have to answer you right now? BECAUSE I AM TRYING TO TAKE A NAP? DON’T YOU PEOPLE KNOW i AM SICK?” “Ahem…sorry Dan..I’ll ask Daddy later”  Haha. I can laugh now, but then…no so funny.
In fact, as I sit here writing this, Dan just walked up to me and asked me if I had talked to Dad about going to Cade’s yet? Unbelieveble!
Things are looking up though. The kids are almost in bed and there is some TV that is waiting to be watched. Then I get to go to bed. Ahhhh….love my bed. Say it with me. Beeddd. B.E.D: Beautiful eyelids dreaming.  Yep, that’s me. Night!

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