It’s that time again. Dinner. Blech. It’s not that I don’t love to cook. I just don’t love to cook my kids dinner. They whine a lot about what I am making. If I want to try something new, they object. When they were little I did everything right. I fed them lots of varitey and didn’t worry about if they would like it or not. Then they started to develop their own tastes. Wha?! No, no no no…..they aren’t supposed to actually have opinions! Not about food anyway. So then began the battle of the wills and ofcourse theirs won out more times than mine. I promised myself as a Mother I would not make them eat things they didnt’ like, like stewed tomatoes, peas, and liver (sorry Momand Dad, had to mention that). I would let them decide if they liked it or not. Well when that day came, I was like, “I don’t think so, you will eat that because I am the Mom, and I said so, blah blah blah”. It wasn’t as easy to stick to the “eat what you like sweetie…”.
Almost 12, almost 10, 7 and almost 4 are hard to fight and I am tired already. Goodbye TaterTot Casserole, hello plain buttered spaghetti noodles with a lb. of grated parmesan cheese. I will miss the good times we could have had while you took up residence in my fat cells.