The one where I don’t have a witty, funny, or cute title.

Okay y’all, I am tired. T. I. R. E. D. Pooped, beat, bushed, dead, , weary, bleary, burned-out, haggard, raddled, worn, drooping (don’t even think about agreeing with the drooping part!), flagging (what does that mean? I am waving my flabby arms like flags? lol), exhausted, dog-tired, played out, spent, washed-out, and whacked. Whew…I need a nap after coming up with all those words! Get my drift? I think I need a vacation.

When you have been married as long as I have, sometimes you take on your spouses moods, feelings, and energy. Jon has been sleeping horrible the last 2 nights. His BIpap mask broke and he can’t sleep without it. Obstructive sleep apnea kicks yer booty when it’s not on. Not only can’t he sleep, but I can’t either since I am so used to the white noise his machine makes. He went and got a new one today and I am so happy! Now he can sleep and so can I! I think we are feeding off each other’s energy, which the last two nights have been nil. I think he feels more of those adjectives than I do, but I am tired.

I have a lot to do to get ready for a home party I am having tomorrow. I bought a mop. I know! I don’t usually use one of those things. They are yucky. Mopping is such a pain, cuz first you have to sweep and then you have to mop and then you have to wait and let it dry, then the kids come along and spill red kool-aid all over the floor that you just spent 2 hours sweeping and mopping!!!! Not that I would know, cuz I don’t usually use one. But I have heard that is what happens. Did you know that mops are expensive?? I think if you pay almost 20 bucks for a mop it should mops the floor its own self!!

So.. since I am the queen of procrastination, here is what I have left to do in exactly 24 hours:
sweep kitchen and livingroom floors
mop floor in kitchen and livingroom
put away all the papers and junk in the livingroom
do at least 5 loads of laundry
take the junk off the patio
and clean up the play room. Not too much eh? Nah…I’ll just get my slaves kids to help me out. After all, they made most of the messes, and yes, I told them to clean it up about 1 bazillion times, but they seem to suffer from hearing loss at such a young age.
*would love to get done but know it won’t get done*: hang curtains I made from a vintage looking tablecloth
paint the kitchen, put down new vinyl tile in the entry, put the rest of the laminate floor in the hallway, and paint the front door inside and out. Probably too big of a bite, huh? LOL Oh well, can’t blame a girl for dreaming.

Ok, seriously, I am going now… to clean. I mean it. Right after I eat something. After all, I have only 23 21 hours until my home party.

One Reply to “The one where I don’t have a witty, funny, or cute title.”

  1. we got’er dun… and time well spent…

    I now have to do several hours pennance for the yelling at the kids I did… 🙂

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