I can fry it up in a pan too, but I prefer the pre-cooked bacon you heat up in the microwave cuz it doesn’t splatter on my arms and burn me. Anywhoo…while you guys were giving me warm fuzzies on my new bloggity blog, I was working at Michael’s preschool as a sub. While he was painting and drooling on his blankie (not at the same time), I was with eight 4 year olds. Let’s just say, I am sure glad to be home in the quiet and air-conditioning. I think I said shhhh about a frazillion times, so my susher is a little sore. Good thing about today is Mikey got to go today for free and I get paid too. I get to come back tomorrow and Thursday, so that puts a little extra dough in my mixer if you know what I mean. 😉
In typical after MDO fashion, I do what I do best: turn on the electronic babysitter and go take a snoozer. Except this time, I’ll have to dog on the bed with me and I’m not thinking after being crated for 5.5 hours she will be too thrilled with “laying down” again. Can’t blame me for trying tho. I did however do a good dogMommy deed and put a little peanut butter and liver treats in her KONG and put it in her crate with her. Kept her busy I’m sure…either that, or her tongue got one heck-uve a workout!
did she lick it clean?
Yes, she licked it clean…and then chewed up her ball. Dern dog.
Microwave bacon??