I’m really ok…really!

Are you buying it yet? I am convincing myself that I am, therefore I will be.

A week or so maybe longer, I posted about being sad and taking on the burdens of the world. Well a very good friend of mine is sick and is going through a very rough time right now with her illness. I won’t go into detail because I want to respect her privacy here, but I wanted to mention it because (and we all know this is all about me, right?) I am feeling really helpless right now and I don’t always know how to cope with my emotions and some ways I cope are not productive; i.e. sleeping, or leaving the Christmas Tree up until February. I am working helping her in ways I can and leaving the rest up to God.
Valerie, you probably won’t read this, but know I love you and I am pulling for you. I am here to be a shoulder to cry on and a friend to lean on when you need to.

On the work front: We will be open for business next year (the school I work at) but we are still unsure of what that will entail. It’s a stressful process trying to come up with numbers, curriculum, and the other thousand things we need to start off another year in the fall. I just hope that I will want to work there in the fall. Right now it’s totally an unknown.

On the home front: I have a list as long as Santa Clause of things that need to be done. Where we will find the time to do them, I don’t know, but they have to get done. Again, I tend to put things off when I am stressed. Things like, taking the Christmas tree down. Jon brought in the ornament box, so we are one step closer to taking it down. Laundry, always laundry. Getting the house ready for American Idol party I keep putting off because my house isn’t cleaned up. I seriously need to get a new toilet seat for the kids bathroom. Take my advice, don’t get a wooden seat. If you home is like mine and it’s humid in the bathroom because it doesn’t have a window and the fan is 30 years old, don’t get a wooden seat. Stick with the plastic. Oh and don’t get a wooden seat with silver toned hinges either, they tend to rust and combined with a bubbly warped seat you have a real good chance of being nominated for hillbilly toilet seat of the year. I’m just saying. Let’s see..what else have we neglected to do around our house that I could put on our to do list? Huh..I got nuthin’. That must be it. Cool.

On the other fronts: or backs: The kids are fine. Jon is fine. I am fine. My Dad is going to be fine. He has surgery on the 5th of Feb. to remove a mass in his neck. We don’t know for sure what it is yet, but we will on the 5th sometime.
I am cooking for a Valentine’s Banquet in Feb. for 100 people. Should be fun. We are having salad, roasted pork medallions with orange-rosemary glaze, green beans almondine, and creamed mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, and chocolate-raspberry cake with whipped cream for dessert. I haven’t cooked for 100 people in 2 years and I will have lots of help ( Hi Sherri!!) so it should be fun- but who knows! LOL

Time to get ready for Wednesday night church and choir. Tootles!

1 comment

  1. We’ll be praying for your dad – let us know how it all turns out, m’kay?
    Also, we’re keeping Valerie in our prayers as well…Hang in there all of you!

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