I need a new camera

I need lots of new things. Our camera is something that I would like to replace so I can get good shots like the ones I see on Flickr. Mine come out overexposed and blurry. Yeah, I know user error. I get it. But when you push the button on your camera and doing so makes it shake, it’s time to get a newer one. I’m just sayin’ is all.

Ok, so! I don’t have a whole lot to talk about, not because there isn’t a lot going on, but that who wants to be bored by all my whining and medical non-sense? When I get some test results back with some damn answers already, then I might post about it. I read back thru some of my previous posts and oh my gosh! how depressing did that all sound?? Goodness. Too much even for me.

Work- Good. Busy. Getting ready for Open House and Art Show next week. Learning new financial software. Not fun.
Home- Good. Busy also. Choir concerts, Adventure Camp, Upward advertising, Upward registration, Fall Fest 07, school conferences, and being exhausted from all the things on the schedule!
Health: Ok. Lots of blood tests to figure out what the heck is going on with me. Going to see old Ortho about another cyst on my foot and knuckle joint. What a joy. More surgery is in my future me thinks.

I’m off to cook dinner. Something I don’t enjoy anymore, but when you run out of money to go out to eat, you have to get creative.
Stuffin’Turkey Meatloaft anyone? Or Spaghetti with Alfredo? How about Tater Tot Casserole?? I know…Burger King! Just kidding..I hate burber king as MJ calls it.

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