Wow. Just Wow.

I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since I blogged last. Is blogging even a thing anymore? I watch a lot of VLOGS, but pretty much stopped reading blogs because of all the dang ads that pop up every five seconds.


How the heck are you?

I’m good. Much better than I was for the last 6 months.
Let’s just say, I went through a very tough time with depression and a newly diagnosed mood disorder. Also? I have ADHD and finally have a remedy for all the chaos that was always in my head. It’s been nice to feel focused and “normal” and not whatever label people are putting on those with mental illness or any disorder these days. Not to say that I haven’t been supported by my friends and family, but there is still stigma about mental illness out there in the world. It’s a new and great thing that more people are talking openly about it. It’s not as taboo as it once was. I’m an open book! If someone can be helped by my experiences, then that makes me happy.


I want to start documenting my life again. It was fun to look back on what I was doing 10 years ago. I have pictures, but words are forever. LOL No, seriously, I need a record of my life so I can be reminded of how good it is. Even when there is “bad”.

Now that I have a computer again, I think it will be easier for me to keep up with this blog. I hope you’ll come back to visit when I do post. That would be swell.

Thanks for listening to my random rambling!

See you on the flip side!

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