What I Wore Wednesday- The Underachiever Edition.

So last week I bombarded you guys with 8+ outfits! I guess I was excited to show you the good, the bad, and the ugly. This week, I wasn’t feeling as adventurous or as cute, so I only have a few to show.

I even wore the same shirt twice! *gasp*

Most days were spent in jammies and t-shirts. It was the first week no one was sick! Praise Jesus!

What I’ve learned this week:

  1. I need to have better lighting
  2. I need to paint my walls and the front door!
  3. I need to put the scale away that’s by the front door. Really? There’s got to be a better place for the hubs to weigh in every morning!
  4. And I need to find a better place for the vacuum!

So with all that in mind, here we go!

Thursday: Day 1- Week 2

thursday wk 2 outfit

Again, my most favorite jeans. I wore this to lunch with the hubs. I think that was the only day last week I got dressed “up” enough to be seen in public.

The lighting is so dark in my house (we have 2 huge 37 year old Oak trees in the front yard) that you can never see my shoes. I was wearing my Father-In-Law’s boots from a LONG time ago. They are so old that they need to be resoled. They’re worn and dry, but I can’t help it, they are too cute and even though they are *slightly* big, I LURVE them!

Here are said boots up close! I feel compelled to collect more pairs! How can a girl go wrong with multiple pairs of boots in Texas?!

“I’m not from here, but I got here as fast as I could!”
-seen on a bumper sticker the day we drove into Texas from Rhode Island

Thursday wk 2

Sunday: Day 3- Week 2

Sunday wk 2_1

I subbed for another Worship Team Member this day. I can spend an hour or more trying on outfits to wear to church on days I sing. I know God doesn’t care what I wear or how I look, but when you’re being video taped and archived, the last thing *I* want is to look like I didn’t care what I was wearing. Call me vain. I can take it.

Top- Cato
Skirt- Avenue
(another pinned skirt because it’s too big! Good problem to have, but I think my backside was looking a little J-Lo if you know what I mean!)
Boots- ?? It’s been so long I can’t remember
Black tights-Avenue
Necklace- Avenue
Flower Pin- me

Close up of the boots, they’re suede slouchy boots with no heal and a REALLY pointy toe! My feet aren’t THAT big.

boots wk 2

Every other day I didn’t take a picture…

Wednesday wk 2

PJ pants and various t-shirts. ‘Nuff said.

Tuesday: Day 6- week 2

Tuesday wk 2

Ladies Night Out with my girlfriends. I felt cute from the neck down. Ever have one of those weeks where you’re face isn’t very well, um…clear? Yeah. It’s like I’m 14 again. Good reason if you ask me to stay in ALL week. Being a girl is hard!

Ok, I’m done whining. I KNOW my friends and family are done hearing about my complexion! I just had to get it out, you know on the INTERNET and share. Thanks for listening! :o)

I leave you with one last thing. One of my favorite t-shirts. It pretty much sums things up.

See you guys next week!!

out of my mind most days wk 2


What I Wore Wednesday: The day late addition

I’m finally doing it. I’m following through on something I said I would do. I have decided to document what I’m wearing for a week and then post it on my blog. I’m not the only one doing it, you know. It’s a whole “thing” in blog land. Everyone is doing it and I’m jumping on the bandwagon! I’m linking up to The Pleated Poppy.

Continue reading “What I Wore Wednesday: The day late addition”

Ahhh..peace and quiet. Sort of.

It’s been 7 days since I was here last telling you my tale of woe. Thankfully the only thing that happened after Wednesday was 3 kids came home sick from school. All three of the older ones were home. At the same time.

Let that sink in for a minute. I’ll wait.


I know right?! There goes all MY  fun!


Anyhoo, I made them soup and got them medicine and tissue. I accused Dan of faking it. Turns out that Monday would hit him like a ton of bricks and he really was sick. Oops. Muh bad.

It really wasn’t that bad to have them all home, I like to be dramatic. I did get to go to the store and stock up on groceries. That’s always fun. {crickets chirping}


I begged the next week to please be kind to me. It was, er well is. Being kind. Sort of. Let’s take a look shall we? I love lists. They are fun!


Saturday: Took oldest to the the sick clinic because she felt REALLY sick. Just a cold. That’s what I figured. Treat the symptoms- good advice Doc! That’s what I said, but whatever. Then she rested all day and was able to go to her school’s Fall Festival and sing in the Halloween show they put on every year. Brenna was able to go too and they both had a good time.

Michael and I went to the BFF’s house for a Monster Bash party. He won a couple of prizes for Silliest Pumpkin and Pin the Eye on the Monster. It was a ton of fun and Natalie out did herself! She’s a party hostess with the mostest! And if you are reading this Natalie, when you get tired of some of your Halloween decor, send it my way. Thanks. :o)

Oh and Jon put up my coat rack over the bench in the living room where I moved it. I love it! Wanna see? Sure you do. Please excuse the crappy picture- I used my phone.

decons bench in livingroomdecons bench second view 

so cute, huh? I’m beginning to really love my house!


Sunday: Went to church and I always need and enjoy going. Then came home and made lunch and then took a nap. It was an ok nap as far as naps go.

Monday: I slept in while Jon took the kids to school. Then….then… I WENT BACK TO BED!  Iknowright?! Then, I ate lunch and watched TV and when it was time, picked up the boy from school. That’s it. Quiet and lovely. Oh I did make dinner.


Tuesday: More of the same. Please see Monday. Thank you and amen.

Just kidding. I did some laundry and cleaned off my vanity. Man there was a lot of hair. How do I still have any in my head? I’m just wondering cause that’s just wrong. And gross. Oh and I made dinner, AGAIN!

But then I couldn’t sleep. I woke up at 4 something and just laid there until 6 something. Then I fell asleep while Jon got the kids ready for school. Convenient, no?  I didn’t mean to. I was tired. Sue me. Please don’t. I’m all out of money. Thank you.


Wednesday: Annnd, now we are back to right this minute. I’m SURE I’ll do one of two things. 1. go back to bed. Get those hours of sleep I lost, back. OR 2. Don’t go back to bed and do some more laundry and clean up my side of the bed. And maybe the dresser because that didn’t get cleaned off very well when we cleaned our room.

Yep, either one I am SURE to do. Let’s take bets which one it is! It’ll be funn!


{I’m just going to toot my own horn for a minute, ok? Commence tooting…}

Since at least Sunday October 16, because that is as far back as I can remember, I’ve cooked a meal at home for dinner. That’s 11 straight meals. At. Home. I know for some of you, that’s a normal occurrence.  Not so much for us. We always eat out at least once a week or did.

Money is a big factor these days {read: we have none"} and that’s true for so many. I know we aren’t alone in that department. What has surprised me is I’ve actually stuck to a menu! I make them all the time and then I allow myself to change the plan to suit my mood. Those moods are sometimes expensive. I’ve even used all the stuff in my freezer! Crazy, huh?!

So I challenged myself to cook at home until payday. I’m doing it! I also proved to myself that I could go a whole week without eating any fast food. And believe me when I tell you I talked myself out of it several times. I almost gave in yesterday and got me some Chip-i-top-a-tolp-le! I love that place and I know it’s a weakness. But I didn’t succumb and for that I am proud.

Tonight on the menu is a new recipe for Pork Carnitas! I can’t wait! I’m going to try cilantro lime rice and refried beans too!

I may just get my Chipotle after all!

{Ok, I’m all done tooting my own horn! Maybe one more…Yay me! Now I’m done.}


So far, this week is WAY better than last week. It would be the BOMB if my Sister got a call for that job she interviewed for last week after her purse was stolen and she was so angry she couldn’t see straight. Which by the way, her bestest spechals flew her out to California for the weekend to hang out and get her mind off all the junk that’s been going on in her life and were a healing balm to her heart. That’s the best right?

I love best friends! They are more than friends, they are Sisters that you choose!

Anyway, the best news today would be that she got that job. I want to see my Sister smile again and have it be FOR REALZ!

Let’s make that happen, mkay?! Thxbai.

When bad things happen to good people and why I want to smack it in the face after I throw it down the stairs.

I’m running on about 4 hours of sleep, so forgive me if this post rambles and sounds dumb. I’m not in much of a mood to care. Oh yeah, I went there.


This week Jon is on a business trip. Gone for 5 days and somehow the universe decides to barf all over me and the kids. It’s in our hair, down our backs, and stinks really bad. Metaphorically speaking of course, because eww.

My oldest son fainted on Monday at school. Stopped, dropped, and rolled and hit his head. He didn’t even mean to. A bad of ice and an ambulance ride to the hospital later PLUS a $100 dollar ER co-pay he’s fine. I was not reachable by phone as this was all going down. Finally Jon was able to get a hold of me and tell me to meet him at the hospital. Dan became possessed when he had to be stuck twice with a needle. He threatened to kill the nurse and was and I quote, sure “they are trying to kill me”. Let’s just say, I needed some chocolate by the time that was over.

Then in a sick twist of fate, while picking up the other boy in my life (who is being observed for hyperactivity and ADHD) from the park at school, first boy locks my keys in the car while they are still in the ignition. And it was running. And the gas light was on. And my phone and purse were also in the locked car. Um yeah. Sucks! Universe is now up by 2 and I am about to lose my shit.

My dear friend who dropped everything to come pick up other boy while I get first boy out of the hospital, stayed with me until the Auto Rescue dude came, but not before I had to spend 15 min. trying to get a hold of the Roadside Assistance people from our insurance that was, you guessed it. ALSO in the running on empty, locked car.

Fast forward to later that night, I collapse in an exhausted heap and stay home with the first boy to “rest” (read: he totally could have gone to school since he was bored out of his mind staying at home) and did nothing.

While I did nothing, my Sister in several states away from me, had to have an emergency root canal, then her purse stolen out of the front seat of her running vehicle, and then missed a job interview that she so desperately needs. I cried for her and nodded my head in supportive misery, knowing the exhaustion I just endured the day before and what she must have been feeling. 

Universe 3 or 4 by now. Me: 0.

Today was added heartache.

My Dad’s cancer is growing again. He’s waiting to hear of a surgical option and if that doesn’t get approved, then it’s back to chemo. It could be worse, and it’s not the hardest thing he’s been through, but dangit! Can’t he be healed already? Is that too much to ask God? I know He can do what he says he can do, so why not heal my Daddy? I thank God for the extra time we have had with him, because I wasn’t ready to be without him 2 years ago, and I’m not ready now. So do what you need to do big Guy! You are a big and mighty God and I ask and expect big and mighty blessings from you.

So the universe or whatever has scored more points than we have and really, that’s ok. I have my faith, my family, and my friends. I can’t ask for more than that. I have nothing to be unhappy about. But those other things, those scary things that happen to us, I don’t like. Not one bit.

Here’s to an uneventful Thursday, ok? KThxbai.

Lelie and Loulou Forever

There is no better friend than a sister.
And there is no better sister than you.
~Author Unknown


Picnik collage of Leslie and Angie



Happy Birthday Sister.


I sat here for 30 minutes trying to put into words what you mean to me. It’s not that I can’t come up with a thousand things about you that I love. (Okay, a thousand is a LOT to come up with, so I guess yeah, I can’t come up with that many. How about 100? What’s 1 zero?) It’s just that you are so much like me, yet so yourself, that I can’t explain our relationship to the world with just a few words.

So I’ll just say this.

On this special day, 40 years ago you were born. I didn’t come along until 2 years later, but I’ve loved and admired you since I could remember. I still want to be you when I grow up, m’kay?


I love you more than caramello gelato and my black kitten heals.


Love and birthday wishes,


Nebermind herself…

When my daughter was about 3 years old she spied her Daddy coming out of the shower. Questions were asked. When an answer was given, she loudly proclaimed, “No, I da peanut!!”  I’m sure you can figure out what question was asked.

This same daughter just turned 14 on Sunday. Fourteen!!!

Time has flown by and she has grown tall.  She no longer relies on me for everything, but still needs me.

I see so much of myself in her green eyes and brown hair. She has my chin and my sense of humor. She’s so smart and inquisitive, I sometimes feel inferior in her presence. Sometimes she even looks at me as if I am.

She’s a teenager, so that’s to be expected.  We’ve butted heads and yelled at each other.

We’ve hugged and cried together. We’ve comforted each other. We have a bond that a lot of Mom’s want with their daughters. Her friends think I’m cool and the best Mom ever. They might be on to something. The jury is still out.

She’s the type of person I want to be friends with. She makes me want to go out of my way to form a friendship with her and keep that friendship going. She has my heart.

She wants to move to Seattle when she graduates from high school and go to school there. My heart has already broken at the thought of her being so far away from me. Maybe by the time that comes to be, I’ll be ok with it.

Until then, she is mine to hug and comfort. To help grow into a fine woman who loves Jesus, people, kids, and owls. Who sings loudly in her room and laughs at her own jokes. Mine to fight for the spotlight with and put her ego in it’s place when need be. Mine to make sure she grows up to have a happy life. A job I am happy to have.

She’ll always be my baby girl. Happy Birthday Brenna! I love you more than shoes.



Cuz her birthday is too bootylicious for you, babe.

Being the jealous type, I can’t let my Sister have the only birthday bucket list** for this year (see left sidebar for list and progress). So in honor of my bestest friend and Sister, I am going to list 38 things I’d like to accomplish before I turn 38, which is in 117 days.

photo (2)

  1. Read 20 17 decorating magazines.
  2. Eat pizza at least 7 6 4 times.
  3. Go to the bathroom ALONE 38 34 1 times.
  4. Eat an entire package of Oreos by myself and not gain a pound. Ok, it wasn’t an entire package. Just about 10.
  5. Shop at Wal-Mart Target Dollar Spot 10 5 times in honor of Debily. (Because if I shop 10 times at the Target, I’ll spend all my money.)
  6. Go to Utah for my Sister’s birthday.
  7. Read my Pioneer Woman Cookbook all the way through.
  8. Make buy and send 3 cards.
  9. Have lunch with 4 3 2 of my friends before October.
  10. Host a bible study in my house for 7 4 weeks.
  11. Make a red tie or a black vest for Lauren’s costume for A-Fest.
  12. Eat 3 2 pieces of cake. (A cupcake can count for cake)
  13. Buy 10 new songs from iTunes.
  14. Talk to my parents on Skype once a week until the end of the year.
  15. Hug my Sister 10 15 5 times. In person.
  16. See my Auntie Dana. In person!
  17. Sleep 702 697 655 hours between now and my birthday.
  18. Lose another 21 lbs or 320 319 oz. which ever comes first.
  19. Attend WW meetings every week.
  20. Make homemade bread.
  21. Cook dinner at least 6 5 nights a week. Cereal counts.
  22. Laugh until my stomach hurts.
  23. Eat at In and Out Burger and El Pollo Loco.
  24. Paint my bedroom.
  25. Paint the hallway.
  26. Paint the bathroom.
  27. Paint the boys room.
  28. Take 10 5 naps.
  29. Re-paint the Lady of Castile painting for over my bed.
  30. Blog every week.
  31. Finish blogging about my trip to Europe.
  32. Take each of my kids on a date.
  33. Fly in a plane. Again.
  34. Drink at least 10 9 frozen Dr. Pepper’s.
  35. Go out on 7 5 dates with my husband.
  36. Get a pedicure.
  37. Walk the boy to school 5 times (when the weather cools down) May be never at this point.
  38. Save $1000 dollars in the bank.

So there ya go! I wonder how many I can cross off my list by December 26th??

Love and buckets,


** This list is intended to be light hearted and playful. I am NOT making fun of my Sister and her terrific 40 before 40 list. I just didn’t have anything interesting to write about and even I don’t want to hear my own self complain anymore. Love you Sister!!

August: a month in review


I’ll just do a quick list with the good and not so good things that happened this month. It’s all been a giant jumble of one thing after another. I’m frankly surprised I’m still alive. (Dramatic much? Why yes, thank you.)


Good Stuff:

  • I made the most amazing brownies. They were topped with a cookie dough type frosting. I blogged about it here and there.
  • We watched a bunch of good movies. Old Dogs, Dear John, Shutter Island, and I’m sure there was one more, but I can’t remember because my brain melted in the triple digit temps we had this month.
  • I was able to get on a pair of bright turquoise leggings I bought back in March as my 20 lb. goal/reward. They looked pretty cute if I do say so myself.
  • Gelato. We discovered this place called Paciugo here in town. My favorite is the Mediterranean Sea Salt Caramel! OMG, so good. Not as good as the caramelo we had in Italy, but a close second.
  • Cooked for Baseball Camp. It was fun but exhausting. I miss cooking in the kitchen at church, but don’t miss the aching that comes from it!
  • IKEA! The boys killed their bunk-bed, so we went and did a crazy thing by not only buying the girls (boys got the old bunk-bed that they can’t break) new beds and redecorating their room for Lauren, but we spent all weekend painting it! All this because we didn’t want to take apart the old bunk-bed and move it! Boy are we LAZY!
  • My Daddy came to visit us for a week! He bought us a new car battery! He bought the kids new school clothes and filled our fridge with food! He even took us bowling!! He put up with our shenanigans for 6 whole days. We enjoyed his visit. I’m not sure Penny was has happy to be here, but MJ sure was glad to see “his favorite dog”!
  • While my Dad was here, I cooked two pretty yummy meals. I learned my Mom’s recipe for Lemon Pepper Chicken. It was so SO good. Then I made an awesome Lime marinated grilled steak. I was in love with the pineapple salsa. I may have considered leaving Jon for it. Then I changed my mind. Jon is a much better kisser.
  • I’ll put it here on the “good stuff” list, but really, it was just “ok stuff”. School Clothes shopping. ‘Nuff said.


Not so Good Stuff:

  • Car battery died. Over and over and over again.
  • Bunk-bed broke.
  • Paint fumes made me sick.
  • Eating 5 lbs of veggies made me sick in another way. Note to self: go easy on the veggies, your gut can’t take it.
  • Frustration with the boys. Back talk, defiance, and down right nastiness. I hope puberty doesn’t kill me.
  • Heat index. The most stifling, oppressive heat we’ve had in…well I guess a year. Triple digit temps for like 21 days + ( I lost count after 19) in a row. Our windows don’t keep the heat out and our air conditioner could only handle so much, so most days it was at least 80 in the house. I was kind of cranky.
  • My favorite KEEN sandals fell apart. (I guess I walked the heck out of them in Europe?) The sole started to come away and I returned them to REI for a refund. Turns out they don’t sell them anymore and the KEEN website has only one left in stock in my size and Zappos is also sold out in the size and color I wanted. I can still get another black pair, but they turn my feet black. Oh well. Live and learn.
  • Jon had/has to travel this month for work. Tomorrow he leaves for 5 more days. He has been gone 7 days so far. I’m all alone with the kids and some days I cried. No details necessary.
  • My wallet died from having to pay out money for school supplies. Good thing we like ramen noodles! Just kidding. We like hot dogs too.
  • I’ve had a tension headache for like 4 days now. I know it’s from like tension. What I don’t get is the chills and cold sweat, the pressure, and nausea. Sleep makes it better, but I can only do so much of that. Also, food and caffeine make it better for a while, but then it comes back. Hmm. Mystery.



I tried to keep the good to not so good ratio even. I don’t want my blog to be a place I bore people to death with my complaining. Everyone has times where they want to pull their hair out. This month was one of those months, but a lot has to do with finances.

Without the help of my parents, I don’t know where we would be. Thanks Mom and Dad! You mean more to me than all the money in the world! I’m so grateful for their love and support. I am truly blessed.

I hope next month will be better! It has to be, because we are celebrating 3 THREE birthdays this month! My precious Brenna will be 14 in exactly one week (OMG!) and my best friend/Sister  will be 29 (+11) in 10 days and I get to go see her for 5 days! I’m going to hug her a lot while I’m there. And then my youngest son and cutest (shhh don’t tell the others) will be 8!! Wasn’t he just born?

I have lots of cakes to buy and tables to decorate so they celebrate their special day. I can’t wait!


Love and cupcakes,


It’s a Hard Rock Life

Long post ahead. Lots of pictures and lots of mouse scrolling.
**End Warning**

I’m sure I’m getting my days mixed up. I didn’t do so well keeping the pictures dated and in folders. I made the mistake of labeling all my downloaded photos each day, “Amsterdam 2010”. My computer, while smart didn’t sort them by day like I was expecting it to. How rude! I feel like my brain is aging at an accelerated rate because I can’t seem to remember what came next!!



Oh yeah! 

It’s all coming back to me now. It was the last day of the conference, workshop day; Wednesday. Dad and I didn’t have a whole lot to do, so we took a stroll to the Pharmacy and decided to explore a little.


038Remember all the bikes? Bike shops everywhere. I saw this beauty and really wanted one bad. It is the perfect color!

041I could buy some of these Hydrangea’s and carry them on the front of my perfect blue bike!



CIMG5898 Dad and I in front of one of the many canals. I thought we could just go around the corner and it would take us back to the hotel. No deal! It took us about a mile out of the way and so we took in the sights along our detour!



044I have no idea where we are, but it’s pretty no?


CIMG5909On our LONG journey back to the Hotel, we found the Aldi food market I saw on our way to the Hotel from the airport. I had no idea it was down the street this whole time! We giggled as we walked through the store, looking at all the familiar foods in Dutch packaging. I purchased some cashews and peanuts. It cost me less than 4 euro for both bags! You can’t buy cashews in the states for less than 4 dollars! I felt like I was getting away with something. Hee-hee!  

Back to the hotel to end our day, clean up and get ready for the Staff dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe! We were all going to take the tram over to the restaurant, but someone suggested it was closer to walk! OMG, more walking! I was kind of grumpy about the walking, but ended up leading the pack, so that was cool-yet sweaty.

It was farther than I thought, but the view was awesome. Lots of great buildings and architecture. Lots of people/tourists walking. It was very crowded on some of the streets!




A huge spread was waiting for us. Cocktails, appetizers, and several things to choose from on the menu. I think we all chose the steak for dinner! We were tired of fish!






We laughed, sang rock songs, and had a great time. Galen, Leslie’s boss and friend went around the room and thanked everyone for their hard work and service that week. At one point, (“Who the hell is Lisa?”) Dad had me laughing so hard, tears were streaming down my face and Leslie’s friend Lindsey was looking at me with such concern. She thought I was emotionally distraught for some reason. NOPE! I was being a goon and laughing uncontrollably!  You can dress me up, but you can’t take me out!






Don’t we look like we’re having fun?? We were!!



I love this picture of my Dad. There is never a dull moment when we are together. Ok, well maybe there ARE dull moments, but even those are funny.





Here I am in front of the Hard Rock Entrance. 

(When I get done telling you all about each day of our trip, I’ll have to include the other pictures from each day in an album or something. This post would be boring long if I included all the pictures we took!)

We had a great time at dinner. I bought some souvenirs for the boys and my friend Natalie and we headed over to the I Amsterdam park to look at the huge sculpture.





We were all annoyed because the boy sitting on the “t” was jumping all around and getting in everyone’s picture! My Dad was I think the most annoyed. Then some guy who was totally high was asking everyone for money. It was a quick visit to the park! In Amsterdam you never know what or who to expect!




The Travelocity Gnome was a funny photo-op on the walk home. This was a bakery that was all dressed up for the World Cup and tucked among the brood (bread) was the gnome in a Dutch flag hat and orange shirt! Haha! It was so cute! Below is my attempt at “being” the gnome! Bah!




Leslie is pretty funny too! She didn’t even drink and look at her! She’s gone all wack-a-doo! This was a cool little cake shop/tea room called Cake Under My Pillow or in Dutch, “De Taart Van M’n Tante”. I loved it!





This picture was on the wall just on the sidewalk of the store. I think she has a cupcake on her head. Ooookay. Those wacky Dutch!090



There were tons of fun shops along the Ferdinand Bol Straat. We seemed to be walking forever and at one point I thought my legs were going to fall off, but we marched on!

The first picture is a re-sell shop of nothing but junky parts. I took it because it was a perfect example of Reverse Logistics and that’s what we were doing all week at the conference! We joked that we should put that on the RLA Website! Cute clothing shops with red polka dot shrugs, vintage Mickey Mouse record players and local stores decked out with World Cup fever! I think you can pretty much find anything you want in downtown Amsterdam!!

093 099092  091


This shop made us all laugh and use this line over and over.

I’ll translate for you: “Nieuwe Collectie Topmerken BROEKEN en JEANS 2 voor 35.=”


“New Collection! Top Marks, Broken in Jeans! 2 for 35. euro!”

Dad kept asking us if we wanted some broken jeans. It was funny. If you knew how the Dutch said broeken, it’d be even funnier. I think. Maybe it’s just me?




Our night ended with fun memories, sore feet and legs, and back where we started from; The Hotel Okura.


                                     Home Sweet Home away from Home.

Back to my remote controlled lights and curtains. Back to giggling and sleeping pills. Sort of like now, only my remote has two legs and is named Jon. But all the rest is still the same.



Next up: Amsterdam the country of Windmills and Cheese.

Sneak Peek:
Amsterdam 2010 037


Love and shin splints,


What’s that noise in my head?

I was sitting here at my computer this morning and I was musing about a few things.  Like…

  1. I can’t wait to see my collarbone. Sooner rather than later. I think I feel it-it’s getting closer to the surface, but still not fully visible.
  2. I’m sure Jesus will come before I see my hip bones. I’m just sayin’.
  3. Why does the store fool me into buying a four pack of yogurt that is supposed to be consumed 1 day after I buy it? I can’t eat 4 containers of yogurt in one day! Dumb me for not looking at the date. I was distracted ok?
  4. I wanted to make Cookie Dough Brownies the other night. I didn’t succumb to the craving. It was like the moon pulling in the tide… see what I mean?
    The recipe can be found here: Cookie Dough Brownies . I didn’t make them by the way, but oh how I wanted to!cookie dough brownies
  5. I have the next 5 days with only 2 children. Not sure what we’ll do. I want to feel completely lazy and do nothing, but I do that already. Maybe we’ll go bowling, go to the library, make brownies… Maybe a sudden urge to have them help me make dinner will come over me? I doubt it, but one can dream.
  6. We moved furniture around this weekend. Every 6 months or so, we move the stuff around so we can clean up under the couch and get a deep cleaning in.house Well, not really for the cleaning benefit, but more for the “I’m bored of this layout and the kids are destroying stuff when it is like this” benefit. It’ll change again at Christmas to accommodate the tree and seating for the whole family.
    Jon used to hate it, now he just does it. I love my husband.
  7. My sunburn itches. You know that phase? About a week after a sunburn, it starts to get super dry and itchy?? Yeah, I’m there. It’s on the front of my legs, so I have the added bonus of hair growing thru the sun burnt skin. Yay me!
  8. Our neighbors house is up for sale. I am grateful that the previous owners are gone because they used to play loud music and park their gigantic truck inches millimeters away from our fence or park it of the street and block the view of traffic. It was a commercial vehicle parked in a residential neighborhood and it chapped my hide that they got away with it.
    However… what if the new neighbors are just as bad? What if they can see me sitting at my desk in front of the window in my pj’s and laugh?
    That so reminds me…I really need to put curtains up.
  9. I lost 1.2 lbs this week according to the scale at the gym. I must be crazy to put this out there, but here goes. 22 lbs lost. Lots more to go.
    angie at gymI’ll only brag a little bit on myself. That shirt? Used to be tight on me, like a sausage casing tight. I know, eww. Those workout pants? They have been my tried and true wear at anytime pants. You know the ones, when you are feeling fat, or feeling skinny. Well, they are baggy on me. Almost to the point of being ridiculous. So…I don’t feel like I look smaller, but my clothes are telling a different story. That’s all. I’m done bragging.  Thanks for listening. :o)
  10. I’ve been inspired by many people, but putting it all out there; that goes to my cousin Tricia. She is opening her life up to us and her struggle with weight. Go visit her at One Fat Chick’s Journey to Health.
  11. My Son, Dan is taking lunch orders, so I must go. I think I’m in for a treat. Maybe we’ll play restaurant?! I wonder if I’ll get a tip??

Until next time…

Love and dangly earrings,

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