CSS code is for nerds…so glad I have one of those!

What do you think about my new look?? I needed to change things up because my WordPress software was waaay out of date. Funny thing about changing the look of your blog, it can be very frustrating! Well that’s not so much funny, but unless you know how to write code and have an expensive photo editing program, you are pretty much at the mercy of the internet and their free wordpress themes and templates. I searched far and wide for a SweetBippy worthy template. I like this one because it has an iPhone in it, which I have, it has a desk look that is worn and fun at the same time and I like the paperclip and taped paper. I was going for a scrapbook page sort of look, but like I said before, unless I design it, I gotta pay for it!

I do wish it had a third column so I could put more widgets, but I only have what I have and I’ll just have to make do. I would like to put another tab at the top and do a weekly, if not daily “What’s on the menu” type feature. I made my list of things I wanted to cook in the immediate future and last night I crossed one off my list. I made the Creamy Carrot Soup and ended up substituting a few ingredients because I didn’t have basil on hand. I used fresh dill that I got last week. I also love the sweet/salty thing, so I sprinkled Feta cheese crumbles all over the top. So fabulous! I ate both big cups of soup! By myself. I won’t think about how many calories were in the half and half I used! The rest was healthy, so I’m going to just go with that! I could try using plain yogurt next time. I’m thinking that it will taste slightly more tangy and less mouth round fullness because it won’t have that fat in it. I love me some fat!

Anyway, now that I totally went off on another tangent, I will just say, I love my new look…hope you do to! Look for more cool things to come now that I’m all updating and wordpress likes me again.

Bacon is latin for tho thexy….

I think I’m in love again….with cooking that is. My passion has been reawakened. The chef inside wants to come out and play again…go on a couple of dates. You know…romance this old gal again.
Thanks to my Sister, (thanks Sister for my bigger butt!) I have been visiting this awesome blog Pioneer Woman Cooks  for a couple of weeks now and everyday that I explore her recipe archives, I can’t wait to get in my kitchen and start making something yummy. It’s not like her recipes are complicated with a lot of fancy ingredients, on the contrary. They are simple, basic, and look OH SO delicious!! I went to the store today. I picked up a couple of basics to get me started on the road to cookery. Is that really a word? Let’s just go with it.

Drum roll please……

Recipes on my immediate to make list:

  • Mystery rolls – an easy appetizer made with butter, blue cheese, and canned biscuits. Couldn’t get any easier!
  • Holiday Bacon Appetizers – Another 3 ingredient masterpiece al a 1981. What do you get when you cross a club cracker, parmesan cheese, and bacon? Bliss, I tell ya! (Well, they look like bliss, but I haven’t tasted them yet. I plan to very very soon!)
  • Creamed Spinach – Simple and delicious. I might even add some bacon to that, but shhhh, don’t tell Pioneer Woman!
  • Creamy Carrot Soup – She made this with her kids and it was so simple, I may just let MJ help me with this one! He loved his Gramma Kathy’s carrot soup she made last week when she was here.
  • Marlboro Man’s Favorite Sandwich – It’s basically a steak sandwich made with cubed steak. My Dad has always loved cubed steak. Maybe he’ll have to just try this one on for size and see if he likes this one too!
  • Pureed Butternut Squash – This one will for sure be on my list of Fall things to try. I don’t really have to try it to know I will LOVE it! I already love butternut squash and the last time I had it as a soup, it was delish!

That’s the short list of things I want to try in the next month or so. I think the appetizers will be a hit because how could one not like bacon and/or blue cheese? I mean, come on people! It’s bacon. And Blue Cheese!! I think I’ll try and figure out a way to put an update on how each of my new culinary endeavors play out and if they were well received.  I think the kids will like the bacon ones. Duh.

What culinary delights do you have to share with us?? Come on! Let me know, and  I’ll put them on the list of must makes!

Trace, Thrice, Free…..3!!

3 Joys:
1) Giving my life to Jesus Christ 10 years ago this month.
2) Sleeping. I’m so pretty cuz I love to sleep in and take naps!! (Cleaning makes the world go ’round, but naps make you pretty! -Angie Stueve )
3) Hearing my children belly laugh!

3 Fears:
1) Getting in a car accidentbr2) Getting another phone call that someone else I love is sick or ill. My plate is full up of sick loved ones. I hurt so much that they hurt.
3) Not being able to provide for our family.

3 Obsessions:
1) The computer and my iPhone. I use both of them waaaay too much!!
br2) My teeth. I floss, brush, worry and obsess about getting them bleached!
br 3) I’m always thinking of ways to decorate stuff…the house, the walls, furniture, anything that doesn’t really move!

3 Surprising Facts about me:
1) I have not ridden a roller coaster in over 25 years. I was so sick afterwards, I vowed never to ride another.
2) I have over 150 moles on my body. Eww I know, but I didn’t make me, God did. I guess they are there for a reason!
3) I actually like to be neat and tidy. brbrbrHere is my turn to tag someone.

My Sister tagged me so I can’t tag her back. Instead I’ll tag my bff Debbi, bffh Matt, and the nerd of my dreams; Jon. Go forth and spill all your 3’s!! Go on shoo…I’ll be waiting!

Sorting is for chumps.

Not really. It can be fun if you know how to do it right. You know, with the 80’s music playing in the background while you do the 27,000 fling boogie?
We have done two rooms and will work on 2 more tomorrow. I won’t say which rooms just yet. I’ll reveal that when I put the after pictures up. I also won’t show you the before pictures because well, I didn’t take any so I leave you with this. Draw what ever conclusion you wish.  Isn’t Jon cute??


Ok, so…how was your weekend?

Wow….sorry…it seems like I am not really explaining the whole sorting thing. Yeah well, for those that know me really well there needs no explanation because they already know what my organization/cleaning habits are and it would just be a moo point and I don’t like cows anymore. Mooo-ving on. Ahem.


Ok, so I am sitting here trying to think of something to write. I got nuthin’. I’m too busy staring at the teevee while an episode of Psych is on. It’s such a cute show. Sean is so random and Gus is well….so Gus. Ha! Ok…still got nuthin’.

Oh wait! I got something. I was tooling around the internets and found a website called Bakerella and I want to make these. I didn’t even know what cake balls were until I read this. OMG! I so want to make these, whose with me?? I think I will try making some this week in my clean kitchen. I’ll be sure to eat them all because unfortunately my wonderful Mother In Law can’t have any wheat or dairy and I think cake balls with frosting might fall in either of those categories. It will be a struggle, but I think I might be able to overcome it…yeah right after I polish off that fudge I plan making too. But this time I think I’ll just put marshmallows in there and not walnuts, cuz the walnuts harshed my mallow dude. Get it? Mallow?? Hahaha…I slay me.

I think I may end up staying home with my sick oldest baby girl Lauren. She is feverish and has a nasty cough and sore throat. I might even be taking her to the pediatric after hours clinic too. Poor baaaaby!!

What are your plans for Sunday?? Church? A nap? I vote nap. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Short Term Memory Loss

This was our first attempt at video taping Michael Jon opening his presents on Wednesday. Of course the memory card quickly ran out of space and it was cut short. My second attempt at video taping was successful, but YouTube thinks it’s too long, so we have to edit it down some. We’ll be getting that up very soon so Grandparents and Auntie Leslie can see it.

Is he just not so adorable you could eat him up with a spoon?? He makes me smile inside. Happy Birthday my sweet boy!

It’s always Martha, Martha, Martha!

Ok, confession time. I’m a little obsessive. When it comes to creativity, I’m uber-obsessed. For example, lets pretend you were going to a game night that required a gift, you might just go pick up a gift card or a picture frame, something simple and easy right?

Not me! I scour store after store for something quirky like say super cute striped Halloween hand towels with black ball fringe and happy spiders paired a coordinating black and orange polka dot towel. Then I would take said towels and continue to look for a creative way to give them, like maybe  in a clear glass pumpkin shaped jar with lid and 3 small bags of candy. That really wouldn’t be cute enough on it’s own because hello!, I am creative. (Sometimes it’s a curse really.) So off to the house with  my new purchases to create a masterpiece!! After much trial and error, I decide to incorporate the three components together. I took the black and orange polka dot towel and lined the inside of the pumpkin jar,  then I mixed Hershey miniatures, caramel apple, and candy corn kisses together and poured them inside. I folded the spider towel to fit over the candy but under the lid, so just a peek of the spiders shows through the jar.
A normal person would stop there, but not me! I would rifle through all my scrapbook stuff (p.s. most creative people are kind of unorganized) looking for that cute Halloween paper I bought before my favorite scrapbook store went out of business. While I was at, why not use glitter glue and some ribbon?! Um, yeah. I ended up with a cute little tag with cream and large black polka dots with a black ribbon trim on the bottom and black and copper glitter stickles saying something like, “No trick Just treats”. It ended up on the top of the lid with an orange ribbon. Whew!! And then I made dinner. Ok, well I heated up dinner, but I fed my family and that is what is most important, right?

So how did this gift go over with the gals at KENO?

Continue reading “It’s always Martha, Martha, Martha!”

Weekend Wrap-Up

It’s been just about a week since my last post.  Last week I spent 3 of the 5 days with my girlfriends and one with Jon having lunch. On Monday, I surprised Jon with a picnic lunch at a local "waterfall" near his work. That was really fun and although we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together, I enjoyed it and can’t wait to have another picnic again with him. Tuesday I had lunch with my dear friend Debily at PF Changs and we walked through the rain  to our cars after a great visit. Tuesday night was Ladies Night Out at Mi Cocina restaurant where we were assaulted  with local geese. These said geese felt it was ok with us diners to fly OVER the table, OVER our food!! I said, "Great! Now I have duck wind on my chalupa!" That brought roars of laughter around the table. What can I say? I’m funny.
As if the first 2 days of social hilarity wasn’t enough, I met two more girls for lunch on Wednesday at Bread Winners. I’ve been there before with Natalie and we met a quirky waiter named John who I had to let down gently that I was married. He didn’t cry too much, but instead gave us free chicken enchilada soup and a recommendation on a great burger place in West Plano, called The Counter. When we were at Bread Winners on Wednesday, I asked if we could sit on the patio in John’s section again. I guess being a redhead now has made me even more friendly (I’m sure you doubt that Les, but it’s true!) because I again chatted it up with John and had a pleasant lunch with Andee and Felicia. They looked at  me a few times and wondered what the heck I was doing, but in the end, John gave us our dessert for free! Next time I go there, I think I’ll give John my number and maybe I’ll get the whole lunch for free?! LOL Just kidding honey!!
Wednesday night was spent at church doing brown bag dinner, bible study, and choir practice. I slept in on Thursday and did nothing because I was exhausted from all the socializing I did the 3 days before!! Friday was more domestic as I did lots of shopping at Sam’s Club before heading out to Natalie’s for a Cookie Lee Jewelry party and Birthday Celebration. Felicia and I drove together and after we came home, Jon and I pretty much stayed glued to news reports of Hurricane Ike. I stayed up late, as did Lauren and her BFFL . They were locked away in her room giggling and making anime videos.
The morning bought us to a gray, windy day with the threat of rain. We opted to stay in not knowing just how stormy Ike would be and I didn’t want to take any chances of getting caught in it while Brenna and I shopped for her birthday. Sunday brought church and shopping at the mall and target. There is still money to be spent and a movie to see, but I think Brenna doesn’t mind stretching her birthday out just a little longer!!

Sleep can’t come soon enough and then it will start all over again. Bring it on! I’m ready. Michael Jon will be 6 years old on Wednesday and then I am good until Oct. 5, when Mom birthday comes.

For Sister, with love

Today is my Sisters birthday! Happy Birthday Leslie! Every year I try my hardest to send a card or a present in time for her birthday. Last year I did better than sending a present or card, I showed up for the weekend!! It was so much fun and we said we should try to do it every year. Um..yeah..didn’t happen again this year, but that’s ok. I had a plan!

My plan was to search online and in person for a glass cake stand for her collection. Well, I don’t know if she has a collection already, but I was bound and determined to start her one. She talked about growing one a while ago and I was going to get her started.

I didn’t find any in my local antique mall that was within a reasonable budget for a stinkin’ cake stand, so I went to ebay. I found THE one I thought would be perfect for her collection. january25019.jpg I bought it and waited to get it in the mail. I won’t go into all the sorted details, but lets just say, I didn’t get the cake stand in the mail because the seller was an idiot and felt irrationally threatened by my inquiries as to when it would arrive and when I said I would leave negative feedback if they continued to ignore my emails, the seller canceled my purchase and there is nothing I can do about it. Well there is one thing I can do. Leave negative feedback because they are stupid and paranoid and don’t care about the customer service they so desperately want say they want to protect!! Ahem….sorry. Anyway, this is what I had picked out for her and I think she would have loved it. Maybe I can find another again someday and it will have her name all over it!

So because I was so wrapped up in fighting for this piece, I missed my window to send a card and the other small gift I picked out for her as well. (Sister- that will be coming in the mail this week…just late!)

Which brings me around to the beginning again….I missed sending a card and gift AGAIN!  and even when she tells me it’s ok, I still feel like I suck! Good thing I have another year to work on getting something to her! LOL Maybe I should just send them all at once and she can dole them out each year to herself! Hahaha! Instead, we talked this morning and I sang a speshal song for her on her voicemail.

Something you don’t know about my Sister. She is the most hardworking woman I know! She is kind and loving, she does for others and her heart is the size of Texas. All that awesomness is all wrapped up in one little person! She’s a dynamo! She and I share a common bond: we think we are so stinkin’ cute! And we totally are!! She is loved by so many people who know her and that is why I have spent my whole life looking up to her and striving to be like her. She doesn’t really know just how much of a role model she is to me. Her spirit and courage to get through some of life’s most excruciating challenges has not only made her stronger, but is a shining example of how to live life despite ones circumstances and ultimately thrive. She may not think that her life is all that awesome sometimes, and I know there are lots of things she desires for her life that she has yet to accomplish, but my Sister is a woman worth noting  not onlyfor what she has done, but more importantly for who she is.

Happy Birthday Leslie, my life is so much sweeter because you are in it! I hope you have as wonderful a birthday as you are!

Your little Sister, Angie

Project Sellout

I swore I would never get one. I knew what I wanted when I walked in the AT&T Store. Then I picked it up. It was easy to use and pretty much sold itself. Then Brandon told us all about why I would love the it more than the AT&T Tilt. He had me at hello.

My iPhone, my love…how long have I been waiting for you and I didn’t even  know it? me and my phone

We’ve been inseparable since that first night. I’ve been afraid to go to sleep because I didn’t want to miss all the fun dates we had planned.

Now that we have found each other, Jon is jealous that he doesn’t get to spend as much time with me.  I’m sure the novelty will wear off soon, but for now, I’m in the in love phase of our relationship.  This time though, I hope I don’t gain 10 lbs like I did the last time I fell in love.