Hello From Dallas/Love Field!

angie-at-the-dal_love-airport.jpgHere I am, waiting at Gate 2. My flight for St. Louis will board in about 30 min.
I broke down and paid for wifi access because I didn’t sync up my Zen MP3 player before I left home, and I can’t take a flight without listening to my tunes. It just wouldn’t be right.
Lauren is off to have a MEGA WARRIORS Sleepover at Megean’s house tonight with Alex and Lindsay. She was VERY excited. Who knows what Jon and the kids are going to do tonight. I rented a bunch of movies on Monday, but we have watched them all. We saw, Mr. Magorium’s Wondersomething, Enchanted, and No Reservations. They were all good. Mr. M’s Wondersomthing or other was sort of strange well at least of what I caught of it. I had to go shower so I could go run errands yesterday, so I didn’t get to see it all. Dustin Hoffman is good in anything he does.

Speaking of wild and wacky. I found some cuuuute shoes at Ross the other night. They are plaid flat mary janes from Rampage and I got them for 10 bucks! They are super cute and I love them alot! I looked for a picture, but couldn’t find one on the internet. I have to wrap it up, the plane just landed, so we will be boarding soon I guess…who knows! See you when I get there! Muuuuwhahhh!!

If I only blog once a week…

Then American Idol night is the one I pick! Same version as last week…Let’s doooo iiiiiittt!! Oh wait. Wrong show.

5701 Amanda Overmyer: Sang: Back in the USSR. The band was louder than she was and so were the backup singers. She did ok. I don’t really have a whole lot of love for her. She knows how to do only one thing. Stand there with an open stance, bend forward and gravel out the chorus. Not good.
5702 Katy Lee Cook: Sang: You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away. Booriing! Simon was right. She has as much personality as a wet noodle and her legs are wet noodles.
5703 David Archuleta: Sang: The Long and Winding Road. He remembered the words!! Good job! Awesomeness! I’m all warm and fuzzy inside…should I feel ashamed? He’s only 17!! OMG!! Hotness! LOL Simon said he was amazing. I agree.
5704 Michael Johns: Sang: A Day in the Life. Off the Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album. A favorite of both Jon and myself. I thought it was good. The judges didn’t like it one bit. Ouch.
5705 Brooke White: Sang: Here comes the Sun. Her voice is so smoky and rich. She dances kind of awkward though! LOL It almost sounds slightly country. I like it. It was simple and that seems to be her thing. (Randy said she was awkward and she agreed that she moves awkward! LOL) She is a little too self-depricating for my taste. You picked it Brooke, have confidence in what you did and take their criticizing for what it is. Their opinion. The people still like you an awful lot!
5706 David Cook: Sang: Day Tripper. I don’t think I know this one. White Snake did a version? Um yeah, that is why I don’t know it. (Ha! Now that I hear it, I do know that song. I guess I didn’t listen close enough when I heard it before. )
(** As a side note** He plays guitar left handed and well, I tried playing with Brenna’s guitar yesterday. Try tuning it with a string missing, by the way. Anyway, I have no idea how he plays as a lefty because the strings would be upside down. Or do they string it for left handed peeps? ) It was good. I’m not sure about the synthed vocals, but it was good.
5707 Carly Smithson: Sang: Blackbird. I really like her voice. I would buy her album. I liked that version. It was controlled and well done. Yay her!! (I totally said controlled before Randy did! I swear!!) I seriously think Simon is just trying to be the one who disagrees. Why can’t he just say she was good? Harumph!
5708 Jason Castro: Sang: Michelle. My belle? I have to say I don’t like him. So I guess it doesn’t matter if he does well tonight. Ok, so it’s not that I don’t LIKE him for his voice, I DON’T like his hair. It’s akin to not being able to look at Sanjaya’s hair every week. You know what I am talking about! sanjaya.jpg Anyway, he was OK.

5709 Syesha Mercado: Sang: Yesterday. It was tender and soft. She had one off key note, but overall, it was good. Definitely her best performance so far.
5710 Chikezie Eze: Sang: I’ve just seen a face. Sounds like a love song you would hear on the radio. He sounds great. I like him. He is a little further down on my list of favorites, but he’s growing on me. Nice harmonica action there! That was a surprise!
5711 Ramiele Malubuy: Sang: I should have known better. …….than to fall in love with you…now love is just a faded memory…?? huh?? LOL I obviously don’t know this song…. She has a strong voice, but I don’t think she has as much stage presence. She seems scared to really pick dynamic songs and sing them with what vocal range she has! I’m bored. Moving on!

Oh.. she was the last one. Pretty good tonight. Looking forward to seeing how gets voted off tomorrow.
My bottom 3 are: Ramiele Malubuy, Jason Castro, and Katy Lee Cook. They were the weakest out of the whole bunch. Who knows how it will go in the end. I voted for David A., Carly S., Chikezie E., David C., and Brooke W. Multiple times for most of them.

On a family note. We have a sick girl. Strep throat. Poor little Bree-Bree. She hasn’t felt good since Sunday. I missed a play date with MJ’s friend because she wasn’t feeling well and had fever. I seriously hope I don’t get it. I don’t want to expose my dad to that with all that he is going through. I am flying up to MO to see him and my Sis on Thursday night. Pray for Jon and the kids. LoL! See you on the flip side!

How to say I love you….

Jon: how far are you?
Angie: Jim Carey just left the stage.. lol
Angie: whew, Archuleta is safe..
Jon: final 3?
Angie: brookie is safe..
Angie: I think its david hernandez..
Jon: why?
Angie: he sucked..
Angie: i knew it!
Jon: lol… not bcause he was a strippr!
Angie: prolly not..
Angie: hmm…who will go home? I think it will be …..Kristy Lee Cook..she is the weakest of the 3 consistently..
Angie: Simon, “American got it absolutely spot on” I know!
Jon: did you pick the bottom 3?
Angie: wow..david hernandez leaves..
Angie: I wasnt expecting that, just in the bottom 3..
Jon: you said he sucked.
Angie: I did not like Kristy at ALL
Angie: I thought he was good in hollywood…
Jon: yeah, I thought she was the worst of the three… which means she’ll do great in C&W .
Angie: “You’ll see me at the top” the top of what? a stripper pole? LOL
Jon: bah hahaha
Angie: if bucky went on to record a C&W album, then she could..LOL
Angie: Im totally blogging this IM convo!
Jon: cool.
Angie: well not the “cool” part.
Angie: (insert blank stare here)
Angie: (insert wink here)
Jon: when did I say cool?
Angie: just then..
Angie: LOL
Jon: oh
Jon: lol
Jon: now you have you blog it.
Angie: I know…(insert d’oh emoticon here)

American Idol Live

So the start of the show promises big changes. Ryan shows off the new stage and lights. Everyone all together now, OoooOooooohhh! The band is in their very own penthouse and the audience is in “bleachers”. Yippee! Annnd the judges, Randy, Paula, and hairy chest Simon. Yum for Ryan! LOL

AMERICAN IDOL TOP 12!!! WOOT!! Here they come…..Lots of clapping. The top 12 perform one song each and the theme tonight is Lennon/McCartney song book. David Archuleta did Lennon already. I wonder if he’ll do that one again?

I’ll go through each of their performances in one line, and then at the end, I’ll recap who I think did the best.

Syesha Mercado: Her register seems too low in this song. I didn’t like it in the beginning. It’s just aiight. The end was ok. Meh.
Chikezie Eze: Zowie…she’s a rockin woman singing in falsetto. Hmmmm..full of energy and it was pretty good! I liked it!
Ramiele Malubay: Sweet and tender, not sure it show cases her voice, but it was safe.
Jason Castro: I can’t stand his hair. Didn’t wow me. All this heart feeling is stupid. Get a hair cut.
Carly Smithson: Wow…she is good. I really like her! Come together baby….
David Cook: Rockin’. Like Daughtry, been there done that. I like him ok.
Brooke White: She plays piano well, enjoyed her version of let it be. I wasn’t knocked off my socks tho. Apparently Simon was…go figure.
David Hernandez: Not his best. A little Broadway performance-esqe for me or somewhat country fair-ish. Or as Simon said, “a little rabbit in the headlights” LOL I didn’t care for it. “Not feelin’ it”.
Amanda Overmyer: Better than some of her performances, but she still forces it into her upper register and then it sounds too Janice for me. I’m not a huge fan of her.
Michael Johns: He did ok. (I was talking to Jon while he was singing, so I wasn’t paying attention! LOL
Kristy Cook: Country is her thing, not sure if I like this version of 8 days a week. Seems too fast..sort of like weird al’s polkarama version of it in country form. LOL if you even know what I mean….
David Archuleta: They saved the best for last ( I hope- I’m writting this before he sings) I think I would like anything he does! :o) oh my gosh! He forgot the words! Poor baby is nervous!! I’m scared for him. The judges are going to eat him alive..it’s never good to forget any words. I will make sure to vote extra so he can stay on redeem himself.

I especially liked Carly tonight and second runner up, Chikezie. He was fun and had a good time. Ok, so my lowest picks tonight are: Syesha Mercado and Kristy Cook. I think even tho David A. forgot his words, he will stay until next week. Carly is as good as in the top three. I really like her. I can usually pick them for the top 3, but the last two years I didn’t predict the winners. They should have won, Kat McPhee and Blake Lewis, but alas, they didn’t.

Well, it was a good night. I won’t be having AI at my house this week. We’ll watch it together at home and enjoy seeing who gets the boot. Syesha or Kristy Lee? Only the votes will tell. Who did you vote for?

And No, I’m not talking about my boobs.

tmbg.jpgI have had many special nights since marrying Jon because every night with him is special, yeah yeah, blah blah. But last night, was a special AND exciting night for me. Well I guess every night could be exciting with Jon, but that would be too much information and this is read by my parents and kids. Hi!
We went to see my favorite band They Might Be Giants at the House of Blues. They were as always ( the only other time I saw them live) AWESOME and I screamed my head off and pretty much messed up what little voice I had left from whatever it is I am fighting. Two guys from Ireland opened for them, Oppenheimer. They were pretty good, loud but cool. TMBG didn’t play as many old songs as I would have liked, but they were plugging their new albums, 1 kids album and their new release,
The Else.
None of this means anything unless you are a junkie fan like myself. And by junkie I mean, I LOVE their 1990 album, Flood and pretty much listened to nothing else for about 8 years. Then we rediscovered the actual cassette tape during a garage sale, among others like Nena Cherry,  The Beastie Boys and White Snake (Jon’s not mine!). So we popped it in the player and were brought back to yesteryear when we went out on our first date. While we were waiting to see JFK at the movies ( I got lost, and was late getting there, so we had to wait 3 hours for the next showing) I asked Jon to come to the car so I could smoke ( I know! So passe) and while we were there, I asked him if he wanted to hear the coolest song ever?! It was Istanbul by They Might Be Giants and I was listening to it on the way to our date, so I played it for him. He was hooked. On me. He actually said he preferred Hard Rock to my alternative stuff, but it was cool. That was man code for I want to get in yer pants, so what ever you like baby, I like.  So after we rediscovered the dusty tape, (sorry John and John and Dan and Dan and Frank!) we plugged it in and downloaded stuff for our Zens and fell in love all over again. So cut to 2004 and Jon’s friend from work said they were playing in town and asked if we would like to go. You betcha! So we went for our anniversary and I had the best BEST  time. Ever. Period. Not Wham!  (ok, that was pretty darn great when I was 13) and George Michael (ok, well that doesn’t count, because I was so in love with him and screamed so hard when I saw him I peed my pants. I was 16)  could compare. OK, scratch that. I was freaking great. I loved it. I wanted more. FOUR YEARS LATER!!  They finally come back to Dallas touring with their new album. My thirst has been quenched. For a little while.

Anyhoo…Jon has since come around to my way of thinking because he knows whats good for him and we both enjoy them very much. Dan has even gotten into the mix and listens to them on his MP3 player all the time. It’s cool to see 2 generations enjoy their music for their eclectic style and ability to keep their fans interested for many years. It also helps that my kids hear their music on Disney and they don’t even know it, but I do and it’s RAD!! (That’s radical for all you old people who can’t remember what that slang word is..hehe)
I lost my voice, and still hear the bass in my ears, but it was good, I am happy, and need rest. I don’t know how they do it. I’m too old for rock concerts every night. Altho it would be cool to be their ad manager for a month. Tour around on the bus, rock out to my favs and hear them make up new stuff. Ubercoolness Dood.

No American Idol for me. Too much to do, too little time. I’m going to bed early so I can get up and do it all over again tomorrow. Hasta manana me amigos.

American Idol Results Show

The first 4 casualties of Season 7 are (drum roll please): Plus Size Model Joanne, Angelina’s Twin that can’t sing, Colton “The blond eyelashes” dude, and Garrett “throwback from the 70’s bad hair” guy. See, I can’t even remember them they were so unmemorable! I even tried to look up pictures, but I was too tired to wade through the American Idol website slide show with all 123 pictures. Ok, I found a pic of them, so I stole it! Shhh… (hat tip: idolbloglive.com )

It’s been a while since I posted. Since most of my readers are family anyway, they know what has been going on with our family. My Dad was diagnosed with Cancer recently and of course it’s been devastating for us all and we are learning to cope with it all. My Dad is a strong man and I know he’ll get through this the same way he got through many other issues in his life, with humor and strength and US!
So anyway, lots of stress, work, family, feeling funky my own self, and then my Mom ended up in the hospital! When it rains it pours! She was having trouble breathing, so she is there until she is better.

Upward Basketball is almost over and so we will get our weekends back starting next Sat. Yard work and spring cleaning are in the works. I might even finish painting my bathroom from 3 years ago! My friend Laura is working on a house they are renovating and last week I went to help out for a while. I noticed what a transformation a simple coat of white gloss paint can do, so I am inspired to grab a paintbrush and paint the trim all over our house because it is so yellow from age and wear. It will give our house a clean fresh look for not a lot of money.

So….I guess that is all I got for an update. I hope the bone crushing fatigue and the foggy fog will lift from my body and let me get back to doing what I want and need to do, life. I’m smiling on the inside, way deep down, just waiting for it to come to the surface. :o)

Side Splitting good time…

What do 13,000 women, giggling, sore muscles, getting lost, and the Alamodome all have in common? Why Women of Faith Weekend of course!! We have returned and boy do my sides hurt from all the laughing and carrying on. On the way back home, we took a detour twice. Once at the San Marcos Outlet mall and the second on accident when we missed our exit to Hwy 35East! We got sort of lost on the way to Ft. Worth when we were supposed to go to Dallas. All ended well, but boy for a minute there, I was thinking I was going to have to sleep in the van and eat a three musketeers for breakfast!

Except for 10+ miles of walking, too little sleep, and the seats that squeezed my butt off, I had a fabulous time!! I really enjoyed all the speakers, singers, actors, and Women of Faith porch pals. I even had my picture taken with Patsy Clairmont and I asked her to sign my purse and she did! It was soo cool.

She is such a sweet cute petite soul and I enjoy her so much. She makes me laugh and I feel a connection to her. I believe we have taken a picture together before, I’ll have to check my scrapbook.

It was a great weekend spent will all my favorite people and I was glad I stayed the extra day and drove back with Cheryl. We always have such a good time.

I think I my cup is full with WOF until our next trip in November to Oklahoma City….:D

Can I have a do over??

These last two weeks are by far the worst in my whole adult life. Work, illness, depression, and coping. Things I shouldn’t have to deal with, especially work, but I guess it could be worse, I could be sitting outside in a box begging for food money like this guy. Except, he had a cool sign and I  don’t.  I just have a t-shirt that says: WILL WORK 4 SHOES and I’M TOO PRETTY TO WORK!

Anywhoo…life sucks at the moment and I am dealing with it the best way I know how; lots of hugs from the people who love me and prayers and support. What more could a girl ask for?

I’m really ok…really!

Are you buying it yet? I am convincing myself that I am, therefore I will be.

A week or so maybe longer, I posted about being sad and taking on the burdens of the world. Well a very good friend of mine is sick and is going through a very rough time right now with her illness. I won’t go into detail because I want to respect her privacy here, but I wanted to mention it because (and we all know this is all about me, right?) I am feeling really helpless right now and I don’t always know how to cope with my emotions and some ways I cope are not productive; i.e. sleeping, or leaving the Christmas Tree up until February. I am working helping her in ways I can and leaving the rest up to God.
Valerie, you probably won’t read this, but know I love you and I am pulling for you. I am here to be a shoulder to cry on and a friend to lean on when you need to.

On the work front: We will be open for business next year (the school I work at) but we are still unsure of what that will entail. It’s a stressful process trying to come up with numbers, curriculum, and the other thousand things we need to start off another year in the fall. I just hope that I will want to work there in the fall. Right now it’s totally an unknown.

On the home front: I have a list as long as Santa Clause of things that need to be done. Where we will find the time to do them, I don’t know, but they have to get done. Again, I tend to put things off when I am stressed. Things like, taking the Christmas tree down. Jon brought in the ornament box, so we are one step closer to taking it down. Laundry, always laundry. Getting the house ready for American Idol party I keep putting off because my house isn’t cleaned up. I seriously need to get a new toilet seat for the kids bathroom. Take my advice, don’t get a wooden seat. If you home is like mine and it’s humid in the bathroom because it doesn’t have a window and the fan is 30 years old, don’t get a wooden seat. Stick with the plastic. Oh and don’t get a wooden seat with silver toned hinges either, they tend to rust and combined with a bubbly warped seat you have a real good chance of being nominated for hillbilly toilet seat of the year. I’m just saying. Let’s see..what else have we neglected to do around our house that I could put on our to do list? Huh..I got nuthin’. That must be it. Cool.

On the other fronts: or backs: The kids are fine. Jon is fine. I am fine. My Dad is going to be fine. He has surgery on the 5th of Feb. to remove a mass in his neck. We don’t know for sure what it is yet, but we will on the 5th sometime.
I am cooking for a Valentine’s Banquet in Feb. for 100 people. Should be fun. We are having salad, roasted pork medallions with orange-rosemary glaze, green beans almondine, and creamed mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, and chocolate-raspberry cake with whipped cream for dessert. I haven’t cooked for 100 people in 2 years and I will have lots of help ( Hi Sherri!!) so it should be fun- but who knows! LOL

Time to get ready for Wednesday night church and choir. Tootles!