An Open Love Letter to My Husband…


Dear Jon,

     This Sunday is Valentines Day. In the spirit of love and all that gushy mushy stuff, I wanted to let the world know how much I love and admire you.

I want the world to know that in my imperfection, I say harsh things to you that you don’t deserve. In my sinful nature, I scold and berate you for things you can’t control. In my selfishness, I condemn and criticize instead of build you up and honor you.

I want the world to know that through all my faults, you love me; warts and all.

I want the world to know that when my Dad got cancer, you cried with me. That you held me in your arms and let me weep. When you didn’t know how to help or what to say, you did the only thing you knew how. You supported me when I quit my job and spent the next 8 out of 12 weeks away from our family taking care of my Dad.

I want the world to know that you do a LOT of laundry. That you always do the dishes after I cook. Actually, you do more than most husbands. That during American Idol season, you lend a helping hand do most of the cleaning and get the house ready for me before all my friends come over. That last year, when I couldn’t be there for the finale, in my honor you wore my Party T-shirt and hung out with my best friends.

I want the world to know that you nursed me to health over and over again through 6 surgeries over the last 16 years and through the 4 births of our children. That at a moments notice, you will get in the car and go to the store for me and get my medicine (or cookies which really can be medicine in emergency situations). That when one of our children is sick, you will leave at 1 o’clock in the morning and take them to the emergency room and give them tender loving support while they get x-rays, and CT scans, only to come home hours later and get little sleep.

I want the world to know that you love LOST. I mean LOVE L O V E it. That I love it too, but not like you do. I want the world to know that I haven’t been very supportive of your favorite hobby. That I’m selfish when it comes to sharing you with the world. I want you to know that I’m sorry I’ve been a pouty, guilt inducing, pain in the ass about it sometimes all the time. I want the world to know that I’m learning to love and cherish all the things that make you, you. I want the world to know that when I saw you do a video interview (that you wanted me to be a part of, but I refused – *see above about being an ass) tonight, even though I laughed at you and thought it was going to be silly, I had a revelation that you were filled with joy like a school boy getting a shiny new toy. Seeing you like that made me happy. It filled me with the same joy that you felt.

I think I’m ready to share you with the world, knowing that you love me and care for me unlike anyone I’ve ever known.

I want the world to know that…

You are my best friend.

Your kisses make me weak in the knees.

I love you.


Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart.



I’ve been patient, but you gots ta GO!

germ1 Dear Cold Virus aka mutant snot producing, head exploding, really yucky thing-

Let me start out by saying that you misunderstood my kind gesture by breathing you in. How was I to know some random germ such as yourself would come and invade my body like an unwelcome thief in the night? How was I to know you would cause my throat to burn and my sinuses to ache? I didn’t! I was ignorantly unaware!

So, let me be blunt.

You SIR, are not WELCOME HERE!

Get out of my nose and throat and get out of my head!
(sounds like a hit song- something about a car and beep beeping) I digress.

Take your insomnia producing mucus and just LEAVE! I tried to defend myself against your persuasive ways with saline spray, tissues, NyQuil, and decongestants. Unfortunately for me, I underestimated the power you have over my body. It’s tired. I haven’t been feeding it right, or treating it with tender loving care and you chose to pray upon my weaknesses. Shame on you, sir! Sir? I should not be calling you sir when you are no gentleman!

You have 48 hours to vacate the property. Don’t make me play hardball here. I can and I will go to the big doc, “Dr. G” and he’ll give me ammunition to take you out. Remember the last time you invaded my territory? I annihilated you with nasal spray and prescription decongestants. This time though, I think you’ve hunkered down and caused major damage, so we’ll have to bring out the weapons of mass destruction: anti-biotics.  Oh yes! I said it. Germ killers! I’m not above chemical warfare.

You have been warned. I mean it. GET OUT!!!!

Please?? germ 4

You suck,

angie sig

Taking Bets on whether or not she gets up today…

So I decided in the spirit of “keeping it real” I would confess to all the goings on or rather the not goings on of my life.

I like sleeping. Mostly during the day when its quiet and calm. Especially when the sun is behind the clouds and its kind of dreary and the light is not too bright in my window, you know, pretty much most of the winter? Yeah, well…like I said, I like to sleep. There I said it. One might say it’s the depression talking, or my lack of motivation, but really, I just like to nap in the morning. Some days it’s ALL  morning, some days, it’s broken up into several naps. All depends on what I’m trying to avoid doing that day. It’s subjective. It would seem I’m not the only one who digs naps. Check it out .

Anyway…I decided that today (sound the trumpet! doo-do DOOOO!) I will not in fact go back to sleep after all the kids leave for school and I WILL WILL be a productive member of society! Haha! Take that world!

I have this list you know…a mile long. Of things that I want to do so I can you know, do stuff. Stuff like host parties, and craft pretty things like aprons, and baby gifts, and Christmas presents. You know?! STUFF!

I know you are dying to see my list…ready?

  1. DONE Mail my Dad’s birthday present and card Yay me!! I did it, I mailed the first birthday card of the year on time (hopefully) and I actually thought about it NOT at the last minute like I have in years past. **See list to the right to see what my goals for the year are… #4 on the list is “Remember all birthdays and send cards”. ** So far so good!! Yay me!
  2. Clean up the kitchen. If you headed over to Sweetbippy Cooks you’ve seen the reality that is my kitchen. Forget trying to cook in it. And while you’re at it, forget that you seen what it looks like, m’kay? Thxbai.
  3. DONE Sweep the living room floor. We finally took our tree down yesterday, I fear half the needles on the fake tree are on the floor. I thought those things weren’t supposed to shed?
  4. DONE Put away all Christmas Decor Do I really need to elaborate? I didn’t think so.
  5. DONE Rearrange furniture for maximum American Idol Viewing Yes my list really does say that. After we put the TV on the mantle, we were left with many more seating options and I want to be sure that my 15+ guests are comfortable with the seating. That’s just the way I roll.
  6. Mop Bathroom Floor I got to cleaning it all up yesterday and wiped down all the surfaces except that floor. Eww. I think that one will get delegated to someone lower on the totem pole.
  7. Sweet Front Entry again and clear off table and bench. Pretty self explanatory even though someone already swept, you can always find more dirt, unfortunately!
  8. Vacuum Play Room Yesterday we cleared the floor and put stuff back where it belongs, (sort of) and all that’s left is vacuuming and cleaning up my craft stuff, but that’s a whole other beast to tackle!!
  9. DOING Keep plowing thru laundry I’ve heard it said by more than one of my friends with far fewer children than me, laundry is never ending for all people! Doesn’t matter if you have a family of 6 or 2, there is ALWAYS laundry to do. *cue* “this is the song that never ends….”
  10. Decorate for the next upcoming holiday “VALENTINES DAY’’! Yes, I know we just started a new year. Yes, I know we just put our Christmas tree away, but friend lemme tell you; there is already EASTER stuff out! I know! I found some cute mini glittered Easter eggs at the Dollar Tree! Squee!
  11. ALMOST DONE Make/ Get Snacks for American Idol Party We all contribute to the snack table at my gatherings. I provide staples like, drinks, popcorn, and some form of chocolate. Most weeks, we have chips and salsa and someone always brings veggies and hummus. So good! This week we’ll have popcorn, candy hearts both chocolate and conversation, and some sweet tea, decaf since it’ll be after 9pm when everyone arrives.

That’s pretty much my list in a nutshell. ** I edited what has been done, but you can look and see what all I had done when I posted this. Just thought you should know I wasn’t a complete slacker today. There, I feel better, don’t you? **

So what did I get done today?? Ready?

  1. I woke up, put a bra on and went to CVS. Came home and got online.
  2. Brushed my hair and wrapped Dad’s present and headed to post office.
  3. Called and stopped by my friend Laura’s house unannounced (I hate when people do that to me, but know where their heart was when they did it, like my heart was this morning. Concern and love) and visited for a bit.
  4. Drove over to Dollar Tree for some Valentines goodies (and Easter too!)
  5. Then drove home and made a sandwich. I talked myself out of going to get a sub from the new pizza place in town (that friends own) and spent $0 bucks at my own restaurant.
  6. Got online.
  7. Stayed online.
  8. Made some homemade microwave popcorn, See recipe here.
  9. Played on Facebook. Arrgh. That place is too fun! Dangit!
  10. Looked over at list and sighed.
  11. Drank a 3rd glass of water.
  12. Waited for the kids to get home from school.

Not so good eh? Oh well. Just keeping it real. LOL!!

I still have time to get my stuff done before 9pm 5pm tomorrow, right? Oh yeah… I work best under pressure.

My friends love me for me. Like Martha says, “It’s a good thing”.

So I got this new gig…

Not only did I get a small afterschool job, but I created a new blog!!

This is a shameless plug for the other new, exciting, and sure to be thrown to the wayside as soon as I get bored endeavor. That’s just how I roll.  Oh look! Pop Tarts!

Check it out, lemme know what you think. I think it’s pretty cute, probably more cute to look at more than anything…well at least for me.

Here’s a sneak peek:

Cute huh?
Ok, ok…here it is…click here

Then come back here and tell me what you think. Ok? Thanks, you’re the best!!


What have I been up to these days? Well…not a whole lot! I’ve taken a lot of naps. I’ve purposely avoided laundry and dishes. I’ve made some menus and spent hours on the computer looking at crocheting videos on YouTube. I know, busy right?!

I’m just keepin’ it real. That’s my new motto this year. Keeping it real and being myself. Love me or hate me, I’m me. No changing that, but I can strive to a better me, whatever that mean.

It’s almost the end of January and I haven’t started my list of to-do’s, but I still have time! So there’s that…

So…check out my other blog for some fun food and recipes. I’m keeping it real over there too, so um, yeah. Thanks!!

Air Kisses to you darling, 
angies name for blog


Man, I used to be funny when I blogged…long, long ago in a galaxy far away.

Death by sucrose

Psst… Matt this post is by: Angie at 12:01pm on 07/18/2006.

I am looking into a new way of life. Sugar Coma. Ever heard of it? I just discovered it myself actually. Comine spaghetti, gooey butter cake in obscene amounts, and what’s left in your system from last night’s Ambien, and mix. Viola! Sugar Coma. Don’t be alarmed. I am ok for now. I expect it to completely take over any minute now.

Oh and here is another peice of advice. Don’t drink a half gallon of apple juice in less than 2 hours. Especially when your fridge’s water filter is removed because you need to change it and so the water that comes out of the fridge tastes like the water that you would pull out of your toilet on a hot day. And you are so thristy that your lips are all chapped and you haven’t been drinking much water because no matter what you flavor it with, it smells and tastes like your dog (if you had one) used it to rinse the stinky doggie breath out of his mouth, spit it into said toilet on a hot day and said toilet was outside. Yeah, that bad. Anywhooo…yeah and when you drink nearly that much apple juice and then eat dinner, don’t be surprised if you have to run to the bathroom every 5 min. I’m just saying this in case you were craving apple juice. in large quantities. Don’t. You’ll be glad you listened to me. Oh and we finally changed our water filter…..(Dan was complaining that it was taking forever!)…… Not a moment too soon, I was going resort to drinking milk or worse- coffee! I know, I know huh?!!

On a lighter note, I am going to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill in concert on Friday with my very bestest, most favorite sister in all the world!! Well, ok, I only have one sister, but if I had more, she would be numero uno, the petite enchillada! 😀 I am so excited, I can’t wait! I only have a frillion and three things left to do before she gets here and yet, here I sit, in a sugar coma….well maybe not coma, but definately a sugar doze. nap? wotevah! Bring on the gooey butter cake/bars….with the stick of buttah and 4 cups of powdered sugar and 3 eggs AND a yellow cake mix! OHMYGOLLYGEE….yum-o!

well I am off for a snooze in my sugar boat….adios world.

*** disclaimer ***
Angie is not responsible for what ever non-sense comes out of her mouth when said butter bars are consumed. Who thought of those things anyways? The cake mafia?


digg this
Misplaced by Angie at 12:01pm on 07/18/2006

“It just doesn’t feel right; it feels bendable”

That was Michael this morning lamenting over his bowl of cocoa crispies that got soggy in the milk. I know you where thinking it was something else! Shame on you!!

sisters forever

Guess what? It’s Christmas time. Actually it’s only 1 day and 25 hours away!! I guess that’s technically 2 days and 1 hour away, but who’s counting? Can you believe it?? I can’t. I haven’t done any Christmas shopping either! I think I may just skip presents this year. It wouldn’t be that awful would it? Ok, well maybe just a few presents. Not sure when I’ll go do that though. Maybe tomorrow along with all the other slackers. Just got word that it’s supposed to snow tomorrow. Great. I need to drive around and buy gifts and it’s supposed to snow. Wonderful.

We’ve been so busy lately with home improvements that we poured all our time, money and effort into the endeavor. Don’t get me wrong, it was totally worth it! Our kitchen looks divine!! We were able to fix the lights, paint, and put down new tile on the floor. All we have left is the mouldings and drawer fronts. I may not put any doors back on at all. I like it open.

Here is the finished product.

finished kitchen

We really love it. The rest of the house got a good dose of dusting and vacuuming. Lots of things were cleared out over the last 6 months. We still have more purging to do, since 6 people live under one roof. That’s a lot of things if you aren’t careful. And let me tell you, we love stuff. Who doesn’t?

My family is in town for the holidays and I am so excited!! It’s been a lot of fun and laughing so far. Lots of yummy food and hanging out around the kitchen table. We are even going to have a family talent show/pageant! I think I may need to empty my bladder before the festivities start. It’s been brought to my attention that my husbands only talent is to broadcast our festivities on the world wide web. Umm….I don’t think so. We’ll see if that really happens. I think Jon likes being married and sleeping in our bed together.

I’m too busy eating and making lists of fun things to do to blog anymore…and actually I’m tired and ready for bed. So go on…get outta here…skedaddle!

Merry Christmas to each and every one of you. I pray God’s peace on you and your family this Christmas day and may He continue to bless you into the New Year.


Procrastinators Unite….tomorrow.

My sister did it, so I might as well follow suit. She asked the question: Where did November go? I ask the same thing, where did it go??

Seems like it just flew by, blown away by the wind. Or maybe aliens came down and kidnapped it? I know! A black hole opened up and November was sucked in and it messed up the space time continuum? What ever and how ever the reason, it’s gone. I missed a whole month to blog about my life. I guess I should catch you up.

Should I do this in a bullet list and spare you the boring details or describe each event and watch your gray hairs grow??  Gray hairs it is!! Ready??

Continue reading “Procrastinators Unite….tomorrow.”

I’m the treat, he’s the trick!

halloween header

halloween 2009 crazy hair angie

Tonight was our annual Fall Festival at our church. I painted faces like I do every year. It’s just basic simple shapes, but the kids love it. I always try to dress up just to be fun, and well FUNNY.  One year I was a clown in full clown make-up and a rainbow wig with a pink feather boa neck on my polka dot clown costume, complete with shoes. A lot of children were scared to sit down and have me paint their faces, some even ran away crying. That was the last year I was a clown. One year I was a “rock chick”, another year I was a housewife in curlers and a green face mask painted all over my face. I even wore a housecoat and slippers. That was fun and comfy too!

Like I said, I enjoy dressing up. This year I tried to go subtle. NOT! I put on gobs of makeup and bright lipstick and teased my hair and spray painted it pink and purple. The picture above is kind of dark, and it’s after I took it down.

Here is what it looked like before:

halloween pixie

This was yesterday’s “hair” raising adventure, thanks to a wig and some fun hair accessories! I wore this ensemble to the company Trick or Treat that NICE held in the offices. It was missing the famous haunted house, but the boys got a bag full of candy, so there’s that AND I had an excuse to drive around town all dressed up. Funny thing was, no one even batted an eyelash at me. I guess pink and black hair isn’t that shocking these days.

halloween pixie 2

All and all, this Halloween was very stress free. Brenna went to a sleepover/party, Lauren and Dan were a part of the Fall Festival “Bible Maze” and that left MJ with both of our attention and freedom to roam and run and play all he wanted tonight. It was not too long ago that poor Jon was carrying around babies and toddlers while chasing two little girls all over the place while Mommy the Clown was painting faces. Good times…  Jon was pelted in the face all night with wet sponges at the Goliath Booth. I got one good smack in while I was there. MJ went as a Fire Fighter and when Jon wasn’t playing Goliath, he was impersonating Hugo “Hurley” Reyes from LOST. Uncanny isn’t it? Only thing he was missing was his DharmlaLars and his big jar of Dharma Mayonnaise. So much fun!! I love it!

MJ and Mom at Fall Fest

Jon as Goliath

Jon as Hurley

I hope your Halloween was safe and fun! Next year I want our whole family to dress up as a group of something, if I can talk the kids into it. I shouldn’t hold my breath. I also would like to go trick or treating around our neighborhood as well, since we haven’t done that in 10 years. How old is too old to Trick or Treat??

name signature

Alert the Neighborhood Watch!



You’ve heard about people who have been abducted and had their kidneys removed by black-market organ thieves.

My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke up with someone else’s thighs. It was just that quick. The replacements had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine? I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs. Finally, hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans. And then the thieves struck again.

My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear-end to the thighs they had stuck me with earlier. But my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than my original! I realized I’d have to give up my jeans in favor of long skirts, and possibly a pair of hippie Birkenstocks.*

Two years ago I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and was horrified to see the flesh of my upper arm swing to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary – my body was being replaced one section at a time. What could they do to me next?

When my poor neck suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a turkey neck, I decided to tell my story. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee! Those ‘plastic’ surgeons are using REAL replacement body parts -stolen from you and me! The next time someone you know has something ‘lifted’, look again – was it lifted from you?

THIS IS NOT A HOAX. This is happening to women everywhere every night.


P.S. Last year I thought some one had stolen my Boobs. I was lying in bed and they were gone! But when I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my armpits as I slept. Now I keep them hidden in my waistband .

Stolen from Debily without her permission, but because we both suffer from BUAS (boob under armpit syndrome), I don’t think she’ll mind.
*Ok, so I added my own two cents.

I should have my own show?

This weekend has been both joyful and exhausting! You see, my youngest daughter just turned 13. To celebrate her birthday, we bought her a computer, but we gave it to her early. To ease the letdown (ha…some let down!) we asked her if she wanted a gift card to spend for her birthday (a token amount really since we already put in for her computer along with the rest of the parents and Auntie) OR to pick a paint color for her room? I crossed my fingers for the gift card, but once I heard myself utter those words about paint, I knew she wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to beautify her room.

She responded very enthusiastically and offered to go clean up her room and have it ready to prep it for paint. I was all, “slow down Nelly… I won’t be able to get that done until I come back from my trip”.  That’s when the tears started and Dad convinced me (wasn’t too hard if he was willing to pitch in and help) to start painting it on her birthday. Within 30 min. we were up and out the door to visit the WalMart for inspiration.

On the way there, I was hoping she wouldn’t go for the orange or yellow color scheme she was talking about earlier and consulting her friends about. Somehow I just knew it was going to be a color that would be hard to live with…for me and not for her! Luckily, I am a seasoned manipulator decorator and was able to show her many options.

Once such option was this striped pillow:


She is not a big fan of green, but she said this pillow reminded her of watermelon and so we went with it. Best part about this pillow was it was on clearance and I love me some clearance!! The tag said $5.00, but it rang up as $3.00. Who am I to argue?

Using the pillow as a good jumping off point, we headed over to the bedding section and found the matching sheets on clearance too. They must have put the whole line on clearance because the sheet set was only $7.00 and the comforter was $15.00. So far so good. Running total: $28.00 – yes!! I forgot to add that we also chose a green body pillow cover, so add $4.00 to that. $32.00 so far.

Next we headed over to the paint section and started matching colors to the pillow. The blue stripe is very blue green or a dark turquoise. I thought that would be too dark for her small room since she has only one window, so we went a couple shades lighter.

We went with Jamaican Dream. It’s still a little darker than the previously white walls, but so much prettier! The comforter is green and the sheets are the watermelon color. We chose an accent color of Summer Song and eventually I will paint a border around the top of the walls. I can’t decide if I want to go with a scallop with a white dot in the middle, or just a plain stripe with white random polka dots. What would the HGTV designers do?  (Paint: $15.00 for 1 gallon and 1 quart.)

Once we got home with all our goodies, Brenna got right to work on picking up stuff, taking down all her posters and getting it ready to fill the nail holes. I was so excited too that we got started right away! We were ready for paint in a little less than an hour and after Dad was done with his show, we got started with the cutting in.

Let’s talk about painters tape for a minute. I have seen hundreds of shows on TV and most of then don’t tape off the walls. Those that do, have a staff to help them and what would take most people at least an hour, takes them 10 seconds…well because you know, edited TV and all. We didn’t have any painters tape, so I thought I was already an expert on not painting the trim or carpet (even with the drop cloth down). I am still a SEMI expert, but those working me with were not, so we had some oops moments and some cursing darn moments. I figured we would just re-tape the trim another time and paint over it later. And if we never get to that, who cares…right? RIGHT??

Just a taste of the cutting in process:


We’re doing pretty good here, but by the end of our painting experience, there were a LOT of oops moments. But that’s ok. It’s done and it looks fabulous!

So…The whole gallon of blue was used (the walls just seemed to soak it all up! I thought we were going to run out!) and part of it spilled on the carpet after we thought it was empty. The total painting time with 3 helping was about an hour and a half. It didn’t take that long! From concept to completion was about 6 hours and that included shopping and prepping! We rock.

The hardest part was putting it all back together. The longest process seemed to be recovering her desk.

About a year ago I purchased 2 folding tables, one square and the other rectangle. I used them for extra guests at dinner and as a buffet during my American Idol parties. When Brenna needed a desk, she improvised stole the table and put it in her room to use as a desk. In the time it’s been in there, it’s gotten pretty beat up, so I decided I would recover it with a vinyl table cloth I’ve been saving for about 5 years now. I got it at IKEA and loved the color combination but didn’t know what to do with it, until now.

I took the top off and after a very frustrating time of trying to staple the fabric down, (tip: don’t try to use an electric staple gun on the carpeted floor. It bounces too much and the staples won’t go in. I’m just sayin’) I finally got it on there and then we painted the table legs white. Re-attaching the legs was pretty painless and the end result was worth all the trouble it took!

Check it out:


Is that not just the cutest?? I love it and it goes so well with the other colors in her room. I’m glad I save things for years and years just waiting for the right moment to use them!

Putting everything together took longer than the actual painting and even if it seemed to drag on because of little snags here and there, I love how it came out overall!

Here is a picture of the chandelier
that Gramma Rain bought last year
(tee-hee that rhymed!)

light fixture

Here is a picture of the desk area close up

desk close up

The baskets on the wall were from the dollar store and I picked those up because A) they are my favorite color
B) because they were a dollar each, duh
C) because I needed to buy like 1 thing from the dollar store and who can spend $1.08 in there?
Brenna asked if she could hang them on the wall to hold CD’s and such since she didn’t have shelf space and I kind of poo-pooed the idea, but now that we did it, I really like it! What a smartie she is! The lamp, magazine holder, trinket box, and wire basket are all from my craft desk that were collecting dust. So I shopped my own collection of crap stuff and found some treasures! I love using what I have!

Here is the finished room:

finished room

Let’s break down what we spent for her Birthday Make-over:

Paint and supplies: $22.00

Bedding: $32.00

Shower curtain rod: 7.00

Dollar Store bins: 3.00

Labor: Free

Rug, mosquito net, desk, and accessories: Free

A wonderful Birthday weekend spent with family and BFF’s: PRICELESS

We went on to have a Birthday Party sleepover with 3 of Brenna’s Besties and they wore me out…like I wasn’t already worn out from the decorating and alternating ignoring and grounding my other kids. (Those are stories that will have to come later…I’m pooped.)

Those girls stayed up very late giggling and talking and eating and I fretted over where they would all sleep, but eventually I drifted off and dreamed about weird stuff. Jon made pancakes and bacon as it has become our sleepover tradition. Breakfast was wonderful and I actually got to eat 1 whole slice of bacon and TWO slices of pancake!! It was a win/win for me all weekend!

I could go on and on about all the other little things I did, but the moral of this story is to just go for it when it comes to sprucing up a room. It took a couple of days and about $65 dollars ( I need to add here that we went out to dinner and spent $63 dollars on something that not only will make us fat and unhealthy, but after we consumed it, we had nothing to show for it, unlike improving our home environment. I’m just sayin’. )  to make my daughter happy and in turn, it made me giddy with excitement and motivated both Jon and I to work on other areas of our home. Why did I wait so long?? I have no idea, but I wait no longer! Paint store here I come….look out!! The wanna-be decorator is on her way!

I think my new tag line should be:

“You bet your SWEETBIPPY I can decorate!”