It’s official – American Idol is back on and I’m loving it!  Finally something to watch that makes me laugh (and cry) and doesn’t involve criminal activity.  Well, now that I mention it – – there was a weird guy last night that sang about stalking Paula and there was Sparkle Girl (girl, love the earrings – 1988 called and they want those earrings back).  She seemed like she wanted a piece of Simon.

As long as they don’t pull another “Sanjaya” out of the crowd, looks like we’re back in the pop-idol making business!

I’m sure my sister will offer up her view on the subject.  She LOVES the show and plans her whole week around the it including snacks and shoes.  I’m kinda jealous about that.  Penny the Beagle doesn’t really care most of the time – although does really like Carrie Underwood.  She told me her favorite song is “The More I Love My Dog”.   I have to admit, she makes a good point.

Anywhoo.  I can’t believe that I have to wait all the way until next Tuesday for some Idol love.

Welcome Me to the Blogosphere

Since I told my little sister that I wanted to be a guest blogger and she has already run out of content on the second of her 365 days of blogging, I guess Sweet Bippy had no choice but to give me the login and password to blog in her world.

My name is Leslie and I am a wannabe blogger. I am a dedicated blog-reader but have never ventured into the world of writing blogs. Oh sure, I de-lurk and post comments from time to time on my favorite blogs but by no means am I considered a blogger.

All that is about to change my friends…you will be seeing me at Sweet Bippy and not just as a random commenter named “Sister”! No, no. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I have a lot to say and until now my audience mainly consists of girls at work that have to listen to me because I’m their immediate supervisor, my dad and Penny the Beagle. Lucky for them me my audience just got bigger.

Stay tuned for random musings about my life, my struggle to stay sane in this crazy world and my perpetual quest to be a better person.

You have been warned. I have the password to this blog and I’m not afraid to use it!