Are you tired of my voice yet?

I am a little. I keep talking about my trip to Europe here and here.  I’m sort of tired of talking about it…nah, not really! I’m excited and I can see it more and more in my minds eye because I’m ticking off the To-Do’s on my lists!

Here are a few of my favorite finds! Everything I am purchasing for this trip can be mixed and matched with what I already have. Most important was finding a good pair of shoes to walk around in that looked cute with all my clothes! You know how I love me some shoes. A girl has to have priorities!

old navy cardiganSweater on clearance at Old Navy- good for air conditioned chilly spots and cute with my new skirt.



Cute ruffle front top and tiered skirt
pair really well with my new comfy shoes.

I was actually thinking about jazzing this skirt up with some embroidery floss and a little swirly action. What do you think? I can’t find any examples anywhere. These things are all in my mind…it’s a jumbled up place to live folks!



I think these have got to be the most comfortable shoes 
I’ve owned in a really long time. My only problem with them: 
they turn my toes black from the dye in the leather. Oh well, happy feet
seem to be the priority! 



What will I carry these lovely gems in you ask?

I found a great bargain at Sears for this American Tourister luggage set. Originally $119.00, Sears had them on sale for $49.99!! Saaahweet! The tote doesn’t have much structure, but I can still use it to carry my computer and all my purse guts for on the plane. I’m a happy girl!



There are still a few things left on my list of must haves, like noise reducing headphones and a camera. I have the incidentals already, like a pillow, travel blanket, and even a travel make-up bag. Only 23 days left! Seems like far away, yet I know it’s only around the corner!

A bonus visit from my Sister over Memorial Day weekend is icing on the cake!   I told her I needed her help figuring out what to pack, but really I want her to be able to spend some time with the kids before this summer is over. We’re going to have to squeeze in a lot of fun in just a few short days, so we’ve got to make it count!

I’ve got a list of fun things I want to do with her when she gets here. I love lists you know, weather I complete them or not! :o) I’ll spare you another trip post and list all the fun things we can do in four days! Stay tuned…



angie sig

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