Things you don’t know about me…

  • I like to eat with big spoons. You know those little teaspoons that you use to stir coffee with or give to the kids? Yeah well, I hate ‘em. I like the big spoons cuz you can get more on it! Cereal takes forever to eat with the tiny spoons. If forced to, I will use a small spoon to eat yogurt, but that’s about it.
  • In the utensil category, I also HATE salad forks. Those handles are so short, they drive me mad when I have to use one. I like the larger forks and I will actually judge a restaurant on their fork size. I know it’s not the size that matters, but for me, the bigger the fork, the better. (Ha! get your mind out of the gutter…teehee) Oh and if someone at home tries to give me a small fork at dinner I go and get the right one. They don’t so much do that anymore though, I guess I’ve taught them well.
  • I have a very specific bed time routine. It’s not always at the same time every night, but the ritual is the same. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and take my medicine. Then I plug my phone in. I fluff my pillows, and pull back the covers. I get all snug and cozy. While I wait for my sleeping pill to kick in, I read Facebook, Twitter, and play ONE game of Scrabble against the computer (I always win) and then I turn the light out. I turn over to the other side and go to sleep. Now, don’t you feel better knowing that? I sure do.
  • I have a hard time finishing projects. Cases in point: The kitchen, still needs base moulding and the ceiling painted. I have at least 10 sewing projects still waiting to be finished (started really because I bought the fabric, but haven’t done anything with it yet- I have plans though!!) and I have a dozen painting projects that need to be done so the house will finally look put together. Why do I wait?? Well, the weather has been a big factor for the painting, but the others? Well, I think I’m just an idea person and not so much a follow through-er.
  • If you ask me to work on something for you, most likely I’ll say yes, and then forget to do it. I guess the bottom line is, don’t ask me so you won’t be disappointed when it doesn’t get done OR expect that I’ll forget and forgive me in advance! LOL


That’s all I can think of for now… I think you probably know almost all there is to know about me, so this list is short!


I’ll update you on the Italy planning: I am this close —- to getting my passport!! I had to send away for my birth cert. because the card I tried to use from Alaska didn’t work. I’ll be sending it to South Carolina tomorrow and hopefully, I’ll be getting it in the next couple of weeks!! I’m so excited!!!

Our travel dates have changed too, we’ll be leaving a week earlier because we’ll be working a trade show with my Sister! I can’t wait for that either. It will be so much fun to work with her and explore Amsterdam that week.


Sorry I’ve been MIA…just haven’t felt much like blogging. You know how it goes? I’ve been living life and working on my health. That takes up  lot of time and the rewards are so sweet!!


So until next time…I’m going to go get started on that bedtime routine! Night!!

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