CSS code is for nerds…so glad I have one of those!

What do you think about my new look?? I needed to change things up because my WordPress software was waaay out of date. Funny thing about changing the look of your blog, it can be very frustrating! Well that’s not so much funny, but unless you know how to write code and have an expensive photo editing program, you are pretty much at the mercy of the internet and their free wordpress themes and templates. I searched far and wide for a SweetBippy worthy template. I like this one because it has an iPhone in it, which I have, it has a desk look that is worn and fun at the same time and I like the paperclip and taped paper. I was going for a scrapbook page sort of look, but like I said before, unless I design it, I gotta pay for it!

I do wish it had a third column so I could put more widgets, but I only have what I have and I’ll just have to make do. I would like to put another tab at the top and do a weekly, if not daily “What’s on the menu” type feature. I made my list of things I wanted to cook in the immediate future and last night I crossed one off my list. I made the Creamy Carrot Soup and ended up substituting a few ingredients because I didn’t have basil on hand. I used fresh dill that I got last week. I also love the sweet/salty thing, so I sprinkled Feta cheese crumbles all over the top. So fabulous! I ate both big cups of soup! By myself. I won’t think about how many calories were in the half and half I used! The rest was healthy, so I’m going to just go with that! I could try using plain yogurt next time. I’m thinking that it will taste slightly more tangy and less mouth round fullness because it won’t have that fat in it. I love me some fat!

Anyway, now that I totally went off on another tangent, I will just say, I love my new look…hope you do to! Look for more cool things to come now that I’m all updating and wordpress likes me again.

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