Sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug…..

dinner at the airport

So…here I am again…at the airport, waiting for my flight. I would have left already, but the flight has been delayed due to weather. It all started in Orlando and just backlogged until it got to Dallas. I guess weather has been an issue all the way across the country. Dern it.

I contemplated taking an earlier flight, but being the kind considerate Sister and Daughter I am, I didn’t want to make Leslie take off of work early. SO! I picked the cheapest, latest flight I could so they would have time to eat dinner, relax, and then come to the airport to pick me up. No such luck for them or me.

Since I have so much time on my hands, I’ll recap the ride to the airport. It went a little something like this.

Angie: yelling from the bedroom “Jon!” “We need to hurry and get going, even tho my flight is delayed, I have to check in an hour before the originally scheduled flight!”

Jon: sitting at his computer “Ok! Let’s go kids……pillows…whatever! Move it.” inaudible yelling at Lauren for not being ready and logging off the computer while she is talking to her friends.

We all pile into the car, put luggage in, and head over to the pharmacy to pick up my prescriptions. The time: 7:40 p.m.

On the way to the airport, snippets of conversation.

Brenna: “I’m like sooooooo bored. Seriously.”

Lauren: singing “We live we love…we forgive…and never give up.”

Danny: sticking gummie worms up his nose because he likes the way they smell and then touching Brenna with them until she screams.

Michael Jon: Snoring in back seat with is legs all contorted and tied like a pretzel, sucking his thumb.

Jon: listening to Angie complain about how small the seats on the plane are and why the middle seat next to her is ALWAYS the last to be filled. While he is listening to her, he is deciding when he will go to Fry’s to buy his Father’s day present, that Angie didn’t get him yet, and how much he can get away with spending.

Angie: complaining that she is some sort of leper, or she smells because the seat next to her is ALWAYS the last to be filled. Then she decides that everyone is just too stunned by her beauty and they are intimidated to sit next to her because if she talks to them, their face will melt off from the shear glory that is her voice. She further concludes that if they look at her for more than a second, her eyes will pierce their very soul and they shall never forget her. After all, she is married and so they MUST vow to forget her or else their life will be filled with longing of the one woman they can’t have. The end.

After we all arrived at the airport, lots of hugs and kisses ensued and off I went. To wait. Two hours. In the airport. Because of weather. Stupid weather.


On a happier note, I got a new camera last night. It’s pretty. I would take a picture of it, but well, it’s not very good at taking it’s own pictures. Heh.

Too bad we didn’t buy one sooner, I would have taken more pictures, but because it was old by techie standards, it didn’t take very good pictures. Jon’s camera phone took better pictures than our Kodak.


As a fitting end to an eventful week, my computer battery is running low. Time to find a spot by the gate and plug ‘er in.

See ya laterz…..

2 Replies to “Sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug…..”

  1. Silly rabbit, take a picture of your new camera with your cell phone.

    gee whiz, do I gotta splain everythin!

  2. Considering the title, I was sort of expecting you to be the bug on the airplane’s windshield. Now THAT would

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