It’s the end of the world as we know it….

and I feel……fine? Ask me again later. Pretty much a depressing sort of day. I quit before we closed our doors, so I can’t really complain. Okay, so maybe I can complain, but I won’t. I will revel in the compliments that our school was a wonderful experience for so many people. It’s the thing that kept me going when I wanted to throw in the towel, and the relationships and friendships I formed from there will have a special place in my heart for a very long time.

Jon and I are going out on a date tonight to just be together, so he can hold my hand and make me feel better. We are going to see Made of Honor and eat dinner at Chili’s. Just what I needed. Time with my favorite person.

I’ll be back later…..

4 Replies to “It’s the end of the world as we know it….”

  1. A hard thing – to say good bye. I know it was an emotional day for you, but better days are in store. Enjoy your time off!!

  2. Who IS this favorite person… Here I thought you went to a movie with me? Did you go out again after we got home??!1!

  3. no we didn’t go out afterwards, but he did wine and dine me while we were at Chili’s! He bought me a drink AND an appetizer. He’s a big spender, that favorite person! He even said he would go out on another date with me. THAT’S why he’s my favorite.

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