Christmas at the Nut Hut…


This Christmas was a little different. I’m sure my  Sister is tired of hearing how much we miss her (like anyone would get tired of hearing that!) and my Dad. All in all, this turned out to be a special Christmas after all.
The link above is a video clip of what the kids opened last. Gramma Rain pulled out all the stops and although she couldn’t be here either
(PG&E sucks) we were able to capture this memory for her and our kids for years to come. I was able to take video of this because I got to open my new Birthday Present early in time for Christmas. I got an RCA Small Wonder Video camera, the same one I got my Mom for her Birthday. It was so cool, I had to have my own!
Between the screaming, fainting, and tears of joy, we had an awesome Christmas and one for the record books. Long gone are the pink bikes with streamers and Rescue Heroes. Now we are at the age of MP3 players and cell phones. The girls are excited to own new GoPhones, and Dan and happy to be able to tune everyone out with his new jams. Michael Jon thinks Santa should have brought him something other than a basketball, but was totally delighted with the Ninja set in his stocking, so being 5 isn’t so bad after all. Santa was good this year and so were our kids. They can be stubborn at times, argumentative, and antagonistic to each other, but they are sweet, loving, kind, and obedient children.

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