When bad things happen to good people and why I want to smack it in the face after I throw it down the stairs.

I’m running on about 4 hours of sleep, so forgive me if this post rambles and sounds dumb. I’m not in much of a mood to care. Oh yeah, I went there.


This week Jon is on a business trip. Gone for 5 days and somehow the universe decides to barf all over me and the kids. It’s in our hair, down our backs, and stinks really bad. Metaphorically speaking of course, because eww.

My oldest son fainted on Monday at school. Stopped, dropped, and rolled and hit his head. He didn’t even mean to. A bad of ice and an ambulance ride to the hospital later PLUS a $100 dollar ER co-pay he’s fine. I was not reachable by phone as this was all going down. Finally Jon was able to get a hold of me and tell me to meet him at the hospital. Dan became possessed when he had to be stuck twice with a needle. He threatened to kill the nurse and was and I quote, sure “they are trying to kill me”. Let’s just say, I needed some chocolate by the time that was over.

Then in a sick twist of fate, while picking up the other boy in my life (who is being observed for hyperactivity and ADHD) from the park at school, first boy locks my keys in the car while they are still in the ignition. And it was running. And the gas light was on. And my phone and purse were also in the locked car. Um yeah. Sucks! Universe is now up by 2 and I am about to lose my shit.

My dear friend who dropped everything to come pick up other boy while I get first boy out of the hospital, stayed with me until the Auto Rescue dude came, but not before I had to spend 15 min. trying to get a hold of the Roadside Assistance people from our insurance that was, you guessed it. ALSO in the running on empty, locked car.

Fast forward to later that night, I collapse in an exhausted heap and stay home with the first boy to “rest” (read: he totally could have gone to school since he was bored out of his mind staying at home) and did nothing.

While I did nothing, my Sister in several states away from me, had to have an emergency root canal, then her purse stolen out of the front seat of her running vehicle, and then missed a job interview that she so desperately needs. I cried for her and nodded my head in supportive misery, knowing the exhaustion I just endured the day before and what she must have been feeling. 

Universe 3 or 4 by now. Me: 0.

Today was added heartache.

My Dad’s cancer is growing again. He’s waiting to hear of a surgical option and if that doesn’t get approved, then it’s back to chemo. It could be worse, and it’s not the hardest thing he’s been through, but dangit! Can’t he be healed already? Is that too much to ask God? I know He can do what he says he can do, so why not heal my Daddy? I thank God for the extra time we have had with him, because I wasn’t ready to be without him 2 years ago, and I’m not ready now. So do what you need to do big Guy! You are a big and mighty God and I ask and expect big and mighty blessings from you.

So the universe or whatever has scored more points than we have and really, that’s ok. I have my faith, my family, and my friends. I can’t ask for more than that. I have nothing to be unhappy about. But those other things, those scary things that happen to us, I don’t like. Not one bit.

Here’s to an uneventful Thursday, ok? KThxbai.


  1. Oh, Angie…You make me laugh even when I’m crying. I know you’ve had a rough week and the news about Uncle Mike isn’t what we wanted to hear. Hang in there, cousin, and remember that you have a ton of love and support. Love you bunches and bunches.

  2. Just reading this made me tear up and it’s been a week since our separate “incidents”. [HEAVY SIGH]. All I can think is that “this too shall pass”. Whoever said that must have been on drugs. Hey, I need drugs. If I take drugs will it make that statement seem more believable? I love you Sister. All of me loves all of you.

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